Pekobuki - sweater weather

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hey. did you miss me? of course you did. this isn't even based on the song or anything, i just thought it fit. I'm still not finished with the requests, so uh, look forward to next week?

Peko blew on her hot chocolate, making steam come up and fill her lenses with fog. Ibuki giggled as the fog faded.

"Do you like it?" Ibuki asked, referencing to the hot chocolate she'd made for her girlfriend.

"It's still too hot to drink," Peko blew on it again, not even minding the steam.

"Oh? I'm finished already." Ibuki showed Peko her mug, which was empty.

"You didn't burn your tongue?" Peko looked up at her girlfriend, even though her glasses were foggy.

"..Burn?" The musician tilted her head to the side, "You mean like, on fire? My tongue would set on fire?"

Peko giggled. Had Ibuki never burned her tongue before?

"Yes. Your tongue would set on fire." Peko joked. She hoped Ibuki wouldn't take it seriously, but there was no telling what Ibuki would do next. Peko liked that about her.

Ibuki was quiet for a moment. She then brought her mug to Peko's and tapped the two together.

"Donation?" Ibuki asked, smiling sincerely. Peko couldn't say no.

"Here." The swordsman poured half of her hot chocolate into Ibuki's mug. "But drink it slowly. The dorm might set on fire."

"Hmm.. slowly." Ibuki half whispered, completely forgetting about her tongue setting on fire. Ibuki's version of slowly was very different than her own, Peko realized. Within seconds, Ibuki's hot chocolate was gone again.

To Peko's surprise, Ibuki crawled over to her side and sat down. They were so close that their thighs were touching.. Peko's face was really red now.

No matter how many times they got close like this, Peko would always feel the same butterflies in her stomach. Even though the butterflies tended to get in the way of things, Peko didn't think she minded that much. She liked the feeling.

"Woah! You're like, really cold." Ibuki grabbed one of Peko's hands and held it in her own. "I'll help warm you up!"

"O-okay." Peko took a sip of her hot chocolate. It wasn't as hot as it was before, but her cheeks were way hotter now, so it didn't really matter. By now, Ibuki was playing with Peko's hand like it was a doll, but Peko didn't mind.

Ibuki's hands really were warm after all.

(A/N: I want ice cream but this shit is really frozen so now I'm on the kitchen floor hugging a pint of ice cream to warm it up.)

(A/N: the shit actually worked, I'm a genius.)

"We should go outside again!" Ibuki suggested, still playing with Peko's hand.

"You almost got blown away last time.." Peko wasn't lying. Originally, the two of them were going to have fun in the snow, but it'd been to windy outside. Peko had to catch Ibuki and quickly run back inside.

"..I'd recommend that we stay inside for now."

Nodding, Ibuki tapped her chin. "What do people do inside?" Instead of answering the question, Peko figured that Ibuki was having important internal monologue, so she stayed quiet.

"Ding!" Ibuki imitated what she thought an idea lightbulb sounded like. "Peko-Peko, do you have your sword here?"

"Yes." The swordsman wasn't quite sure where this might me going, but she knew it probably wouldn't end well.

"Alright!" Ibuki's eyes seemed to sparkle, "So the plan is, I'll throw pillows at you, and you'll slice them up!!"

"But also, you'll be blindfolded."

Yeah. This wouldn't end well.


"Okay, can you see?" Ibuki asked, and Peko nodded. This was not a good idea. "Let's start!!"

Peko heard Ibuki throw a pillow, and cut through it with her sword.

"Gdvvshajnabsbabbajjajabb,," The musician was frothing at the mouth as she threw another pillow. Peko sliced through it.

After all of the pillows in the dorm were gone, Ibuki removed Peko's blindfold.

"You're like, so hot." Ibuki said as she threw the blindfold somewhere.

"T-thank you..?" Peko didn't know how to respond to that. Looking around, she found that she hadn't broken anything, but the place was a mess.

"We should probably clean this up.." Peko suggested.

"Yeah.. that might be the one side effect to this. And we don't have anymore pillows."

"We don't have any pillows at all?"

"Yep.. no pillows." Ibuki smiled, picking up the many ruined pillows on the floor.

Peko sighed. What would they sleep on now?

~another timeskip~

Peko had figured out what they'd sleep on. It'd only been about thirty minutes since she'd first questioned their situation, but she'd come to realize that there was an easy solution.

They'd use each other as pillows! For practical purposes of course, and nothing else but that. Using each other as pillows called for a few movies, and a blanket fort, too.

That's just the rules. They're on page 36 of the 'rules for using each other as pillows' guidebook. Everyone has read it, Peko was sure.

Now, she was here with Ibuki in her arms. Ibuki seemed to love being held, so Peko took note of that. She didn't really mind holding Ibuki, so she'd made sure to do it often.

(A/N: MY AIRPODS FUCKEN DIED now the inside of my head is so quiet,,)

The two were under multiple blankets, with a movie playing. The movie was some old sappy love story neither of them had ever seen, and by the time the movie was over, the two still will have never seen it.

Ibuki was way too busy marveling at Peko to pay attention to the movie. Without her glasses, Peko looked so different, yet almost the same. It was confusing, but Ibuki liked it.

Peko was getting sleepy now, Ibuki could tell. Sleepy Peko was cute, Ibuki thought. Early in the morning, when Peko was still sleepy, she was always really touchy.

The musician could feel Peko's embrace on her tighten slightly. Here it comes.

Just before she fell asleep, Peko whispered "I love you."

Smiling, Ibuki whispered back, "I love you too."

Now she could go to sleep peacefully.

word count: 1013
Alexa, play fool by cavetown. joking. it's funny because i don't have an Alexa. anyway I'm sleepy,,, it's 11 and I didn't post this cause I finished it like.. just now. I'm gonna proofread it for funzies. it still might be fucked because I can't really proofread with my eyes closed.

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