celeshina - gifting (request)

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request by  kuzupekosupremacy .  Sorry for being gone an additional week.. i tripped. also it's wednesday.. uh. please im running out of excuses. this was lazily proofread, but enjoy anyway.

Hina needed new pens. All of her other ones had either ran out of ink, or she'd lost them. And now she had to write with dumb pencils.

Pencils were easier to write with (since they had erasers and she made a lot of mistakes,) but pens just looked a lot cooler.  

Lately, with swimming and all, she hadn't had any time to go buy new pens.

So when her pencil broke, she almost had no choice but to complain.

"Aw! Pencils suck." Asahina half shouted, pouting.

"You just gotta learn how to use em!" Naegi said from beside her. "See?"

Makoto showed Asahina his paper that he'd written in pencil. Asahina narrowed her eyes. Between the weird eraser marks and floating letters, she could make out just about two sentences. Was it written in a different language or..?

"Good.. job?" The swimmer wasn't really sure what to say.

"Thank you!" Makoto turned back to his desk and continued writing.

Someone was going to have to tell him. But it wasn't going to be Asahina.

Asahina sighed as she reached for her pencil sharpener for the umpteenth time today. After she was done, she started writing again. Eventually, she noticed that Makoto had gotten out of his seat. Just when she was hoping that the poor boy hadn't shown anyone his chicken scratch, she heard Celestia speak.

"This is," The gambler paused. "Atrocious."

Ah, Celestia. Extremely blunt, but surprisingly punctual. Asahina liked that about her, though she did think that Celestia went a little overboard with her insults sometimes.

Right now however, Asahina thought that Celestia had told Makoto exactly what he needed to hear.

His writing had been 'atrocious'. Whatever that meant?? She could just tell it was bad by the way Celestia had said it. Celestia could say something like 'delightful' and make it sound like the rudest word in the world.

When Makoto sat back down, Asahina tried to comfort him.

"Maybe you should use pen next time..?"


Asahina was walking back to her dorm after practice. She was tired, but she still had homework to do... in pencil. She groaned at the thought of it.

Just as she was about to unlock her door, she looked down. When she saw what was waiting for her, she gasped.

It was a ten pack of ballpoint pens!! The fancy kind, too!

Before she picked them up, she looked from side to side, but no one was there. Had someone dropped these? No way someone had dropped a whole ten pack of pens and didn't notice.

This was probably a gift! From who, though? Asahina wondered as she picked them up and took them inside.

Makoto wouldn't go out of his way to buy her pens, especially not after what she'd said to him earlier.

As she picked them up and walked inside, she figured they might be a gift. From Sakura maybe? But she hadn't told Sakura about not having pens.. maybe Sakura had overheard?

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