irumatsu - definitely

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this is irumatsu. this is just irumatsu and not Yumeko x Mary i wrote on a whim. please enjoy the irumatsu i have blessed you with this week. I'll post "more" irumatsu next week.

For the second time this week, Yumeko and Mary found themselves alone together. This time, they'd been with Suzui and Ririka, but they'd both had to attend to other matters. Quite strange for someone like them.

Just as Mary had thought, Yumeko would want to do some kind of gambling. Mary knew that if she refused, Yumeko would continue to ask. There really was no winning against her.

"Maaary~!" Yumeko said in a sing-song tone. She tried to hug Mary, but Mary quickly stopped her.

"What?" Mary asked, trying to sound annoyed.

"Gamble with me." Yumeko smiled as Mary frowned. "Please, Mary!"

"Why should I gamble with a house pet?" Mary smiled. "Give me one good reason."

"It'll be fun!" Yumeko pouted. "What else do we have to do anyway?"

"We could take a plane to America." Mary teased.


"Oh god, fine!" Mary gave in. "What do you intend to play?"

(A/N: I'm going to make uno way more graphic and detailed than it is cause I don't wanna think abt poker anymore.)

"Uno!" Yumeko revealed a deck of uno cards. She handed the box to Mary. "Shuffle them, please."

"Yeah, yeah." Mary made her way to a table that was usually used for gambling. She sat down and shuffled the cards.

Yumeko sat at the table too, but directly across from Mary. Yumeko was acting far too innocent. Mary knew what Yumeko was planning something.

"You wanna bet anything?" Mary asked, knowing Yumeko would say yes.

The black haired, red eyed, gambler pressed her hands together. "Of course! It's not money though."


Yumeko giggled. "We're going to bet on your first kiss!"

Mary's cheeks were now a bright red. "No we are not."

"Huh? Why not?" Yumeko pouted once again.

"Why does it have to be mine?" Mary half shouted.

"Oh! So you'd rather it be mine? I don't mind."

Mary stayed quiet. She'd just dug a hole. This situation was not good for her. She could either back out of the game, take back what she said, or kiss Yumeko.

Somehow, the last option didn't seem too bad. If she lost she'd have to kiss Yumeko, right? Mary had played uno plenty of times. This game was no match for her. She'd win, and get out scot free.

"F-fine. Let's play." Mary dealt out the cards. She'd probably lose, but Mary didn't see a problem with that. She'd never admit it though.

The first card was a blue seven. When Yumeko didn't place a card down, it was apparent to Mary that she'd be going first.

Mary looked down at her deck. It was made up of mostly yellow cards, along with a wild+4, and a blue seven. Without thinking about it twice she put the blue seven down.

Yumeko put down a blue three. Mary smiled, and put down her wild+4 card.

"It's yellow," She said as she placed a yellow three down.

"Aww," Yumeko whined, "I don't have any yellow cards.." Yumeko picked up four cards, keeping a blank face as she did so.

Mary smiled. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped when she saw Yumeko place a wild card down.

"It won't be a problem, though." Yumeko smiled. "It's green."

Mary groaned. She didn't have any green cards. She had to pull three cards before she got a green one. It was a green four. She placed it down.

"Are you having trouble?" Yumeko's expression was almost unreadable, but Mary knew that she was planning something.

"No. Are you?" Mary groaned. Yes, she was having trouble. How could the game be going in Yumeko's favor already? It was no fair.

(A/N: I shoulda made them play war 💔)

"Yeah. This game is soooo hard!" Yumeko teased, earning another groan from Mary.

The game went on, until Mary got a wild card. She changed the color to yellow, because most of her cards were still yellow.

Now, Yumeko was having a bit of trouble. It's not that she really minded if she won or lost, though. She had plans for both.

"Mary! No fair." Yumeko whined, picking up cards from the stack.

"Cry about it." Mary responded absentmindedly. "Hurry up!"

"I'm going as fast as I can." Yumeko picked up a few more cards, then stopped when she realized she'd gotten a yellow six. She put it in the pile.

As soon as Yumeko had placed her card, Mary placed hers. Yumeko sighed. This was taking longer than she expected. Yumeko pulled another card. A wild +4.

She placed it down. "It's blue." Yumeko stated, seeing as she had mostly blue cards.

"Ugh.." Mary groaned. She had two blue cards.

Two rounds went by, and just as you'd suspected, Mary ran out of blue cards. She groaned once again.

"Hey Mary.. Let's finish playing later. I've got a more fun game in mind." Yumeko got up from her chair.

"What? It's not like you to-" Mary stopped talking when Yumeko sat on her lap.

"We're gonna have lots of fun, okay?~" Yumeko ran her right index finger up and down Mary's thigh. Mary's face was more red than her uniform. Mary was to shocked to talk.

"I'm just joking!" Yumeko giggled, stopping touching Mary's thigh, just to put her entire hand there instead. "We're just going to skip to the kiss part."

Yumeko leaned in to kiss Mary, and Mary didn't move. Just before their lips connected, Yumeko began to speak. "Just to check.. do you want this?"

Mary's blush deepened. Yumeko knew she wanted this. This is embarrassing, Mary thought, just as she began to nod her head eagerly. Yumeko smirked as she locked lips with Mary.

(A/N: embarrassing,, but important. Consent is 20/10 important.)

They engaged in a passionate kiss, Yumeko in the lead. Whenever Mary tried to take the lead, Yumeko would push back with marvelous strength. The two of them disconnected. Mary was disappointed that she had to breathe.

When she came back to her senses, she muttered. "Stupid."

"Oh? But you wanted this, did you not?" Yumeko teased.

"Well, yeah. B-but you're still stupid!" Mary wrapped her arms around Yumeko's waist, hesitating as she did so.

"You're cute." Yumeko smiled.

"I-I guess I tolerate idiots." Mary blushed.

Word count:1071
I got a guinea pig on Saturday. His name is Caramel, and his middle name is Rin. He has my last name. Sometimes while I'm talking to him he just takes a nap. like damn am i that boring?

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