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gritted my teeth and adjusted the strap on my shoulder as I step foot outside the school. A cool breeze suddenly filled my lungs, making a shiver run down my spin.

The parking lot was mostly empty, expect for a few teachers who were leaving earlier than they were suppose to be. My eyes fastly scanned outside, looking for mother as she was usually waiting to pick me up. Once I found her, I immediately noticed the scowl held on her face. My phone lit up as I checked the time. It was 20 minutes after the bell had rung and school ended, but I had to go pick up some papers from a teacher and hoped she wouldn't mind.

I picked up my pace as I fastly jogged over to the red vehicle. I jiggled the door handle before she hesitantly unlocked it. I carelessly threw my backpack on the floor and stepped into the car.

"What took you so damn long!? Brooke, you know I have things to do and-"

"I'm sorry, I just had to go pick up some papers, and time just pasted by."

She dramatically rolled her eyes as her freshly painted pink fingernails tapped eagerly against the steering wheel.

My mother and I always had a rocky relationship ever since my father left 5 years ago. We've never been the same, constantly fighted, accusing, and rarely ever getting along. We had our moments, but for the most part, we kept to ourselves most days.

The car ride home was mostly silent, expect for us exchanging how our days went, like always. I replied like I did everytime, "fine", as she went into extensive detail about her day.

My head was pressed against the cold glass window as her words went in one ear and out the other.

"Brooklyn!" She snapped irritated. "Are you even listening to a thing I say?" Her eyes narrowed into mine.

"Every word," I grunted under my breath before adverting my attention back out the window. She then continued her rambling thinking I was listening this time.

My mind then thought of him. I had tried to forget what had happened between us, but his words continued to burn holes in my mind. I tapped my fingers against my knee trying to distract myself from the burning sensation glued to my hips.

It's our pretty little secret, baby girl

Just the thought of him made blood rush to my cheeks. I took a deep breath, trying to overlook the whole situation.

My mother's head snapped towards me with cold eyes. I tried my hardest not to react, but she always knew when something was up.

"What is it, tell me. You have that look."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Just tired."

"Yeah, right," She hissed under her breath. Luckily she brushed the conversation off her shoulders and didn't speak of it again.

Her head snapped back to focus on the road, leaving it silent once again in the car.

She pulled into the paved driveway before entering the garage and parking the car. I quickly gathered my books from the floor and swung my backpack over my shoulder trying to get out as fast as I could.

Before I had the chance to get out of the car, she interrupted me.

"Oh, we have a guest coming over for dinner, he moved in across the street just a couple days ago. I thought it would be a nice gesture."

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