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THE chilled breeze delicately flowed through my hair creating a mess. A groan sneaked past my lips as I began containing my hair and pulling it out of my face. I stuffed my hands in my denim jacket, blocking out the cold air.

I soon approached the school building and mentally prepared myself before walking inside. The halls were filled even though it was little too early to be here. I found myself fighting my way through the pool of people just to get to my locker. Nearing the electric yellow lockers, I was unpleased to find a couple making out right next time mine. I sighed loudly at the sight, not want to create a scene, but enough to get the point across.

I quickly fumbled with the combination before it clicked open. I rose to my tippy toes trying to see what was in my locker. Being 5'2 had it's disadvantages.

I then dragged my English journal from the top shelf and added it to the stack of books already in my hand. I began running through a checklist in my mind of what I would need for today, before I was bluntly interrupted.

"Did you hear? Holy shit," Quinn smashed into the locker next to mine and soon faced me.

Quinn was my best friend I would say. Once she moved next door when we were young, and we've been inseparable ever since. She was truly the only person I could stand in this school, apart from some people. She was easy to get along with, but she always put her needs and wants first, which I've gotten quite used to now. It's just apart of her personality.

I felt my body jolt forward, dropping all my books from her surprise. To my advantage, Quinn didn't even care to notice, instead she went on with her story which I payed no attention to.

"Slow down, what now?" I interrupted between her frantic sentences.

As I began to bend down to grab my books, I felt a slap on my ass. My head snapped back, as I disgustedly sighed. My eyes suddenly caught the sight of Ross behind me. His hazel eyes instantly lit up at the sight he was viewing.

"Scandalous," He lowly whispered in my ear. He pushed away strands of my blonde hair as his breath fanned over my neck.

I huffed, slapping away his tight grip currently on my waist.

"Fucking pig," I spat turning towards him.

Ross would fuck anything with a pulse. He tried to win any girl and every girl over. He put his wants ahead of anyone else and uses girls just for his own pleasure. There would never be a day when he didn't try to win me over and I would reject him.

Quinn was still in a world of her own. She took the situation lightly since it happened almost everyday.

"Okay, rewind. So," She began retelling her story with immense hand movements.

I shut my locker closed and rested my shoulder on the cold metal.

"Mrs. Peterson was in a bad accident," My eyes widened.

"What? What happened? Is she oka-"

I genuinely liked Mrs. Peterson as my English teacher, I mean she wasn't the most entertaining person on the planet, but I thoroughly enjoyed her class. She didn't bore me to death like everyone else here.

"Brooke, we have substitute." Her eyes filling up with thirst.


"He's fucking hot!"

I gritted my teeth and sighed heavily as I began walking towards my first class with Quinn by my side.

"He's probably married," I paused. "With kids."

Quinn chuckled. "And you're saying.."

"I'm simply saying, don't be stupid."

As we made out way up the flight of stairs to English, I noticed a swarm of girls standing in a circle outside our English room exchanging giggles and periodically looking inside the classroom and pointing.

"Told you," Quinn whispered nudging my side.

My curiosity rose, as I began picking up my pace down the hallway.

Quinn was directly behind me as we both walked into the classroom eagerly. I was prepared for anything, really.

My eyes instantly widened at the man standing behind Mrs. Peterson's desk. He didn't seem old, but not as young either. His tall frame lingered over the desk as he was shuffling through the various papers placed neatly on the desk. His long fingers ran through the dark brown curls, pushing the hair behind his ears. He was absolutely beautiful.

And suddenly he had his gaze was trained on me, his emerald eyes burning holes through my skin. It made me uncomfortable to say the least.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and proceeded to walk to my desk, avoiding any eye contact he was making.

I sighed in relief as I sat in my desk and shot Quinn a look of desperation behind me. Too bad she was all the way across the classroom.

The bell echoed through the classroom, and shortly the announcements played through the intercom.

I gave a glace around the classroom. Every girl was basically drooling over the new substitute, not caring how desperate they looked in the moment. They would be thrilled if the man shot them a glance for half a second.

I started to feel bad for the guys in the class.

I felt a peice of crumpled paper hit the back of my neck and I briskly turned around. I exchanged looks with Quinn, as she rose her eyebrows up and down. I chuckled and shook my head seconds afterwards. I opened my mouth to respond back, but I was suddenly stopped.

"Is there something funny that you would like to share with the class, Brooklyn?"

The atmosphere suddenly went cold. I slowly turned my body back around to face the front of the classroom. I was no longer looking at the back of people's heads, and instead they were looking directly at me. Some girls shot jealous stares, wishing it was them he called out.

But it wasn't a pleasant feeling whatsoever.

I wondered how he knew my name instantly, but I was too distracted to give it any thought.

I mustered up the courage to glance towards the him. My pulse could be heard from my ears the longer we exchanged heated glances.

"I-I'm sorry, M-Mr.."

Jesus Christ, I didn't even know the damn man's name.

"Mr. Styles," He helped finish my sentence. A look of satisfaction swiped across his face.

"Mr. S-Styles," I quickly repeated after him.

His lips formed into a smirk as soon as he heard his name fall past my stuttering lips.

"Well," He clapped his hands together. "That certainly not the first impression I wanted to give," He said clenching his jaw.


The class went by fairly slow because of the numerous times I stared at the clock wishing it was 8 o'clock. I didn't have the courage to even look towards Mr. Styles, I already had my fill from him for the week. I barely payed attention to what was even happening in class, but neither were any of the girls. They just stared at Mr. Styles in complete and utter desperation to get a glance back.

The bell rang and everyone jumped up from their seats. I quickly gathered my books, trying to get out of the room as fast as I could.

"Make sure you read chapter one in your novels! Expect a pop quiz maybe?"

Just his voice made the blood in my veins run faster.

"Ms. Pierce, stay after class."


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