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B R O O K E    

MY chest heaved up and down the longer I pondered in thought about tonight. I wasn't exactly positive what Harry had in mind by taking me on a 'date' or what it would accomplish. It was a romantic gesture, but it just didn't fit the type if i was correct. He was quite the opposite if you asked me. 

As 8:00 finally arrived, my nerves were tearing me apart inside and out. I glanced in the mirror one last time, and fixed some strands of hair that somehow had gotten out of place. I flattened out my skirt and continued to walk down the stairs with anticipation pumping through me. Right as I peaked out the window, a large vehicle had pulled into the driveway.

"He would be the type to be exactly on time," I thought to myself. 

I slipped my feet into a pair of heels, which I knew I would regret later on in the night from the lack of experience I had walking in them. Suddenly, the doorbell rang through the entire house causing me to jump. I felt anxiety run through my veins as I began walking towards the door.

My mind was racing with thoughts about what was about to come next and what was about to happen. The embarrassing thing is, I have no clue what I'm about to do. With my lack of experience with guys in general, I knew I was going to mess this up in one way or another. 

I was soon brought face to face with Harry, and I felt my lungs gasping for air from the sight. The intense stare he held on me just made the situation worse. I felt I was incapable of processing a single thing properly in my mind. 

"You look beautiful tonight, baby girl," He murmured, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth. He inched closer towards me, before grabbing my ass in his palms and giving a tight squeeze. 

I shyly looked downwards, escaping his forceful stare. "T-Thank you," I barely was capable of forming a full sentence. His roaming hands didn't necessarily help out either as my heart was practically leaping out of my chest. 

"We should get going, reservations are at 8:00," He spoke lacing his hand between mine. 

The car ride was silent for most the way, except the radio playing pop music in the background. He didn't seem the type to listen to that kind of music, but it made the car ride less awkward than it already was. I found myself playing with the hem of my shirt most of the way, attempting to calm my nerves. 

As we pulled into the restaurant, his hand slowly slid up my exposed thigh and gave a small squeeze. "Don't be so nervous baby," He spoke as he broke the silence in the car. I began searching for words to say, but my nerves got the best of me. 

Suddenly, my door was deliberately opened, and a small wisp of cold air nipped at my skin. Harry had offered his hand, and I hesitantly took it. He effortlessly pulled me out of the car, before securely wrapping his hand around my waist. Harry handed the car keys to the valet booth at the front before they gave him a warm welcome. 

"Good evening, Mr. Styles." 

He politely smiled towards the group of young men that were blatantly whispering about him in the process. It made me wonder if it was because of me? And how exceedingly younger I looked compared to him? I was quickly interrupted from my thoughts when he tugged me even closer to him as we walked towards the entrance. 

The inside of the restaurant was utterly extravagant compared to my taste. Crystal chandeliers hung elegantly every few feet or so, and classical music played faintly in he background. Most of the people in the restaurant had dressed for the occasion, making me feel under-dressed by doing so. I peaked up towards Harry, and a snug smirk overtook his features. 

"Welcome back, Mr. Styles," The women at the front podium admiringly greeted Harry without giving a glance towards me. She wore a tight dress that obviously was two sizes too small for her body. It openly revealed her curves, and she had a pair of electric red heels to match the look. 

She grabbed two menus from underneath the podium before giving Harry an enticing smirk. I wasn't surprised that she had acted this way towards him, I mean practically every women did so when he was around. 

We followed the women, and weaved our way through multiple tables until we arrived to a more secluded room. Only a few people resided in this room compared to the hundreds outside. She placed both menus on either side of the table before giving Harry one last smile. 

"Let me," Harry's voice purred, as he pushed my hair to the side. I felt my cheeks immediately redden as if he had never touched me in such a way. Every time he touched me, chills never failed to ran down my spine.

He helped me slipped my coat off my shoulders before placing it over my chair. "Thank you," I shot a playful smile. 

"Anything for my baby girl." 

We both took our seats and I glanced down at the menu placed in front of me. Everything looked extravagant and extremely expensive. I had never seen such an outrageous price on food before. 

Harry's eyes peaked over above his menu. "What are thinking of ordering, baby?" 

I gave a small shrug. "Probably a salad, I'm not too hungry." 

A visible scowl became apparent on his face from my response. I immediately regretted saying that, being he brought me out to this fancy restaurant and all I was going to order was a salad. 

"Well," He cleared his throat as if he was preparing to say something of importance. "I can always pick you up something later." 

My eyes widened by themselves without ant of my control. "Later?" 

He let a pleased grin take over his features, knowing he could get such a reaction from me. 

"Yes, later, when you come over to my place," He cleared things up. 

I had never been to his house, even though he has been over mine on a couple of occasions. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous doing so. I knew he had certain intentions on his mind planned for tonight. I decided to play along with the little game he was playing with me; if he could play it, so could I. 

I leaned over the table, clearly pushing my chest together for his enjoyment. His bottom lip was immediately tucked between his teeth. An unexpected rush of confidence ran through my body. "What are we gonna do at your place, daddy?" I whispered so only he could hear. 

He t'sked at my vulgar behavior in a public place. "Only if you knew half the things I had planned for that pretty little body of yours," A satisfied grin was still clearly visible on his face.

He then looked down and continued to scan his menu. I teased him by brushing my foot against his thigh, which he unexpected. His hand suddenly pushed my foot away. "Not here, baby. Just wait till later." 

With my adrenaline pumping, there was nothing stopping me. I abruptly stood my from seat, and leaned over to whisper in his ear. "If you would excuse me daddy, I have to use the ladies room," I hushed, as my hand traveled down towards his stiffened pants and began rubbing. I seductively bit down on my lip, which he certainly enjoyed. 

Within a split second, he hand easily wrapped around my wrist and pulled it away. "Baby girl, you need a punishment for disobeying me." 

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