Chapter 12: Killing spree

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"Deku had been successfully captured by the authorities! They have yet to give us details but the seven year old girl named (y/n) is also safe but the authorities say she under his  control so she will be Temporarily sent to miyaigi's Asylum to keep close watch on her until she is cured or the quirk is released we'll soon get more information but for now this is all I have. I'm lashi yani signing off"

Midoryia sat in a chair his hands cuffed to a 70 ton table the cuffs 56 ton as he legs where chained to the floor at 80. A Detective stood in the other side with his assistant.
"For the last tims....What quirk are you using on her"he demands.
"You said 'for the last time's and hour ago, and I will repeat I have done nothing to her"he says obviously bored. He was still studying his surroundings and to make sure his plan succeeds he had to be observant, if he messed up he dies...and he wanted to make sure to take out as many people as possible.
" You must have done something" the defective paused "Stockholm syndrome -"
"What is with you people and that shit, for the love of god and All that is evil the hell shut up"he groans "Your annoying, and you don't even know what you're doing" he hissed.
"Don't talk to me as if you know what is going on"
"I know i sleep with your mom last night" he smirks. The detective glares as he raised his fist. His assistant stood him
"Sir, please don't"he says calmly. "Maybe I should ask". The detective sighs.
" hello I'm defective sasuke-"
"I just want to let you know that I Don't care"Midoryia said with a plain face
"O-okay then... I want to know how and why did you meet (y/n)?"
"That is Classifed information"he says. Sasuke sighs.
" If we tell you where (y/n) is will you give us information? "He says. Midoryia gave sasuke a look of interest.
" I'm listening"he says "and don't try to lie, I'll know" he adds with a glare. Sasuke nods nervously.
"She is at miyagi'a asylum"he says "mainly because we don't want her running around under your control".

Midoryia was silent as he began to tremble with laughter a pure sadistic one. The restraints where broken.
" Wow, you guys really surprise me...miyagi asylum huh, the place where they draw blood and drug the prisoners there as test subjects for other shit "he says laughing again as he walks towards the two. He grabs the defective who was frozen in fear and threw him harshly towards the door causing his body to break it down. He turns to saskue.
" I'll be coming back for you"he smiles. Sasuke passed out as Midoryia left.

'(y/n), are you there?'

(Y/n) laid weakly in her bed her eyes staring out into re distance. When she heard Midoryia she whimpers.
'yeah, what's going on are you hurt?'
'n-no?...just....tired I just might take a na-'
"What ever you do DON'T go to sleep I'm on my way just wait for me,okay ' he says. (Y/n) didn't respond. This made him more paranoid as he pulled officers from left to right.

The door opens as a scientist walks in along with another woman.
"Sir! We have to stay out of his way"
"I need one more sample I'm this close-"
"she'll die"
"Oh well"he says. He pulled out a large needle. (Y/n) began to tear up trembling as she whimpers.
"Don't worry it will only hurt for a little bit" he laughs softly. The needle barely grazed her skin when it was suddenly in the scientist eye. He screams as deku breaks down the door.
"Sorry I was late to the party" he says as he shot the scientist and the woman. Midoryia smirks before he turns the (y/n).
"Hey it's just me okay?" he says softly as he rubs her forehead. (Y/n) eyes brighten she opens her mouth to speak but decided not to. Midoryia heard the heros coming and his portal wasn't working as well, mainly cause some of the meds they forced him to take where still in his body.
He turns and grabs (y/n) gently.
"I want you to close your eyes"he says. (Y/n) hides her face on his chest closing his eyes. Midoryia looks at the roof. Jumping and smashing through it. Helicopters followed but where not allowed to shoot due to(y/n) being there. Deku took full advantage of that as he killed, slaughtered and destroyed everything in his path with his bare hand. Till he finally got his quirks back was when the real damaged happened. Midoryia let all of Tokyo know how pissed he was. Destroying tall buildings killing children and adults even throwing the helicopter into the center of Tokyo. All while holding (y/n) safely.

Midoryia finally calmed down as he went to the portal where Eri smiles.
" welcome back, took longer than last time "
"I was younger and more reckless" he states with a smirk. Walking past Eri he goes to his bedroom where he placed (y/n) on the bed. Midoryia say on the floor next to her.
"Your drugged for now it will last till Friday, after that we'll have as many cookies as you want" he says. (Y/n) smiles as she rolls over closer to Deku as her hand slightly tugged his shirt. Midoryia hums in response getting up and sitting on the bed putting (y/n) in his lap.
"Just so you know, on Friday this side of me is gone"he says quickly. (Y/n) smiles slightly rolling her eyes as she cuddled him calling asleep. Midoryia let a small smile appear as he decided to see how much damage he really did in Tokyo.
"Whoops "

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