Chapter 3: Accidental death and unlikely meeting

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Perverts and weirdos and slight mention of pedo.

It didn't take long for (d/n) to get a image and catch his wife cheating on him. Nor did it take long for a divorce.
(Y/n) saw it coming but it happened too fast for her liking and yusko sensei or in other words Midoryia left. So the bullying had returned.
And tadashi hasn't visited since the news about the divorce.
It was certainly a hard time. Nothing really caught her interest only her passion to design and draw.
The only one who seemed to be enjoying this was Midoryia for his own personal reasons.
(Y/n)'s mother was now with her new husband who owned a good amount of money that they could use and he now has a reasonable reason to take it.
"Your mad at the wife?"
" Yes, and I think an accident should happen and while there focused on that we take the money, and any prized objects that can be sold in the black market that's coming up tomorrow "he mused. "Besides we still need to complete the mission"

(Y/n) on the other hand was pulled to her mother's side at that very mansion.
" It 's not that bad-"
"I thought you loved daddy...."she cried
" love isn't the right word..maybe lust was"
" nothing of your concern, you'll have more toys now-"
"I don't want toys....Where is tadashi?" she says.
"Well honey...he's decided to stay with daddy-"
"I wanna go with daddy too!"she at a stomping her foot.
" But that's not your decision "(m/n) says patting her head.
"Then why did tadashi get to choose... "She whimpers.
"Because he's older...and it's fair-"
"We can at least have one of out children"
"You knew I liked daddy more than you... "She mummbled.
"Hopefully that changes "she smiles sadly. She left the room leaving (y/n) to proudly throw a tantrum and a chair out the window.
But eventually she had to go to her new school and sadly she had to walk by herself.

Midoryia and his main helpers arrived at the mansion.
"Kill only the wife..." he says. As they snuck inside. When they did they hear romantic jazz playing.
"Smells like sex"one of them says.
" looks like we came in the right time boss"another say looking at Midoryia who held a poker face.
"Maybe we did maybe we didn't" he says walking past them.


"Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb, Mary had a little lamb, it's fleet was white as snow..." she sings kicking the air as she walks down the street ignoring her surroundings.
Two older men follow behind as they chuckled. Before they could attack she turns around to them
"Leave me alone weridos...." she spat as she then ran. The men paused before following her. Remembering tricks from he father she began to use them but she soon realized that she was also being tracked by car or a black van.
The last thing that he said that was very risky was the alleyway. Making a sharp turn only to bump into another make who grabs her.
"Your a fast one, more money for us than"he cackles
"Let me go you broke bully!" she says kicking around as the other two run over.
"Man and here I thought we wouldn't have any thing to sell for the market tomorrow"
" thanks for being quirkless "teased another one. She simply glares at them showing no fear.
"That look in your eyes is about to change real quick, once you get taken away by most likely Pustifo"


Midoryia slams the woman to the wall his large hands held her neck tightly.
"Such a shame you left your officer, I wonder how he found out"
"T-that...... danm"she gasped as she tried to move his hand" .....teacher-"
"What about me"he says changing his face. (M/n) eyes the as she gasped desperately.
" shocking right, now tell much do you love daughter "
"More than.........a-anything"
"Shocking, you seemed to care about your sex life more"he grins. " tell Satan is said hi"he says before crushing her neck. Her mouth pipes out blood as he drops her on the floor. Kunimi walks over.
"Money has been taken and the husband has passed out finally, but no sign of the girl"
"Must have gone to school then, no matter I'll talk to her later"he says wiping the blood on kunimi's shirt.
" E-ew~"
"Get over it"

De next dei

Midoryia boredly walked the auditorium as he found nothing of interest most low class villains or shadey people stayed out of his way. But most people began to make there way to the other side.
"Its supposed to start in a hour!"
"I have enough this time! "
"Wonder how old they are"
Eri gave the people confused looks as she turns to Midoryia how held a poker face.
"Sounds important" Eri says. Midoryia glanced at her.
"Lets go see and if I don't like it I won't get it"he states.
" what if I like it? "She asked.
" It would then depend on how much I want to spend on you"he says walking that direction kunimi and Killua following.
When they are it was mainly men and some women Midoryia glanced around before he drew his attention toward the male on the front.
"It's been a while but we only have one and she's a wild one and has a bold and stubborn personality" he says catching the attention of most males.
"But warning she is younger than you think" he adds. Some men looked interrupted. Midoryia hunched an eyebrow as eri seemed a bit Worried. A cart that was covered with a royal blue blanket.
"She refused to tell her name so you will have the honor of changing it to whatever you please...presenting a quirkless!" he says pulling the blanket down to reveal a familiar (h/c) girl who looked nervous but tried to hold a strong face.
Midoryia's eyes widen as Eri gasped covering her mouth. Midoryia grabs killua's wrist.
"Win this ,well steal the money back anyways, if you don't win steal her, if you fail I will kill you myself and get her understood" he says. Killua nods nervously as he gestured Eri to follow which she happily did.
"She's so young"
" I know"he said nonchalantly
"And your buying her?" she says.
"Yes"he says getting annoyed
"So are you going to ra-"
"I am alot of things Eri" he growls finally turning to her with a cold glare.
"A pedophile is not one of them"he hissed "am I clear"
"Y-y-yes sir..."she whimpered. Midoryia turns around as he got in the car and stopped Eri.
"Stay here to let me on I what happens"
" yes...s-sir"

Killua and kunimi successfully completed the task with a sigh of relief. A man walks towards him.
"Isn't that pustifo...." kunimi whispers. Killua nods.
"Young men can we settle on a agreement" pustifo says.
"Sorry but you'll have to ask our boss and he's not a big fan of sharing..." Killua says.
"Who may your boss be?"
"Deku of course"kunimi states. "So you'll have to talk to him so for now the quirkless is not for sale". The two walk towards the back to retrieve (y/n).
" why the boss want her anyways? "Killua says kunimi shrugged
"Maybe he's lonely -"
" I'm bed"Killua jokes smugly kunimi laughs.
"Stop it"he says shoving his friend. (Y/n) was crying seeming she was chained making the two teens awkward.
" how do I turn it off"Killua muttred
"I-i don't know maybe ask?" kunimi muttred.
"U-ummm can you stop crying" he asked making her only wail louder.
"Oh crap you broke it!"kunimi freaks. Eri walks over as she saw the scene.
" what did you do?! "
"Nothing I swear, it was Killua -"
" Me! It was crying before we got here!! "
"Why are you calling her an it?" Eri snaps.
"W-well...because she's a quirkless"
" So she's less human because of that, so remember Deku can make you quirkless too"Eri remarks making the teens shudder remembering there old friend tomua whose qurik was stolen and Midoryia had sold him the previous year. "Your lucky that you win her over...Midoryia was pissed, take her to the limo and give her ice cream I have to pay this now...." she sighs.
Kunimi and Killua lead (y/n) to the Luna and she finally fell asleep.

When she woke she was on a futon she say up and she was quite scared. I would to in my opinion that's pretty traumatizing -
"Your breaking the forth wall again"
Oh right ...

The room was dark but the sun was visible through the dark curtain. The chains on her wrist and legs where gone and she had no collar. She was then curious if the door was unlocked so she cautiously ran to the door but before she could grab the door knob the door open the light blinded her as she looks up to she a familiar figure.
"Hello again (y/n)"

It's funny how the other guy always comes to the room right after the main character woke up. I know I just did it and I'm not hating but I just find it funny and pretty cool but my parents do that all the time so it's actually a pretty common thing
Anyways hoped you enjoyed that chapter and I shall see you chicken nuggets later😗😙😚😘😍

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