Chapter 1- Cara

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Hello all! Thank you for choosing to read my story! I'm a 22 year old that has had an obsession with h2o for years and I decided to write this a few years ago and only wrote a few chapters but never published or continued. So I've decided to do that. I realize some ideas are taken from the show, but I want the story to give similar vibes of h2o although the plots and characters will be different <3 I hope you enjoy, please comment, vote, give feedback, etc.
P.S. I'm going to attach the song I listen to allllll the time (h2o vibes all the way) . I recommend listening while reading xo


I don't know how everything quite happened. Well I mean I do, but there's no true explanation or facts to explain how it happened. Magic. That's how it happened. I know, crazy right?

If you knew me before any of this happened, you would be shocked that I'm even speaking of magic in a serious manner. I was, kinda still am, one of the most practical people you will ever meet. After everything though, I guess you could say I'm more open minded.

Now let's rewind, shall we?


My eyes fluttered open while a loud buzzing filled my ears. I said in my head as I did every morning, "New morning, new me!". Anything was possible on a new day.

I quickly shut my alarm off and quickly sat up, looking out my window. Out of it was a view of the marina which I should probably appreciate more considering how lucky I am and how beautiful it is but I'm so used to it now.

It's a Saturday and it's currently 8 am. I made my bed quickly and put on my slippers and made my way to my closet. I didn't know what my plans were for today but I need to keep busy or else I become very bored and Cara plus boredom equals disaster. Boom.

I quickly put on a blue tank top and some jean shorts and a pair of flip flops, then I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.

"Breakfast?" My mom asked as I passed by the kitchen. I quickly reversed and looked at her.

"What is there?" I asked, smiling.

"Anything you want that we have to make darling." My mother said sweetly.

"It's okay, I think I'll grab something at the café, thanks though mom!" I said and then made my way out of the house.

The sun shined brightly and it felt nice and warm on my skin. The grass and leaves seemed so green. It was officially spring.

I walked on the sidewalk as people passed on their bikes as the birds chirped. I could see the marina and the ocean which shined from the reflection of the sun.

"Cara!" I hear from somewhere in the distance. I look around and see Ella running towards me with a smile on her face.

Ella was the kind of girl people normally didn't hang around because she didn't meet up to most people's expectations. She was nice but some would consider her "immature" but I consider her just harmlessly innocent. There's nothing wrong with being innocent. I would consider myself innocent but I have a backbone, unlike Ella.

"Hi Cara! Where are you headed?" She breathed out when she finally was in front of me.

"I was going to the café, wanna come?" I asked with a smile.

The café was originally the Juicenet Café and then switched to somewhere called Rikki's but it was bought back later on when the owners of Rikki's apparently moved. The Juicenet Café is a legend in this town, it's home to all the teenagers and locals.

Ella didn't get enough credit. She's so nice and absolutely gorgeous. Her blonde hair was almost blinding under the sunlight. She was radiating of happiness.

"Yeah! I was just going there to meet up Derek." She smiled.

Derek. Derek was the biggest jerk around here yet somehow he got Ella to be his girlfriend. ELLA. The sweetest girl. I will never understand.

"Alright." I say, as I'm biting my tongue.

Once we got to the café I automatically saw Derek sitting at a table tapping his fingers with an angered face. Once he saw me and Ella walk in, his face turned to stone.

"Where have you been? I've been waiting five minutes by myself!" Derek exclaimed loudly at Ella causing people to stare.

"I'm sorry, I ran into Cara on the way here." Ella said sincerely.

Derek looked dead at me. "Glad to know who's more important to you." He said, still talking to Ella then he walked away.

I looked at Ella and she was looking down at the ground. Did she really believe she was the bad person in this situation?

"Come on, let's go." I pulled Ella out of the café and out to the dock outside.

"Hey guys!" I hear and look to see Ben on his boat. Ben was probably one of the most nicest guys around and also one of my best friends.

"Hey Ben. Where are you headed?" I walked up to his boat with Ella's arm still in my hand. She continued to look gloomily down at the floor.

Ben looked at Ella and then back at me. "Oh I'm just gonna do some deep sea fishing. Wanna come?" He asked with a smile.

"Um..." I looked at Ella who finally looked at me. I raised my eyebrows as if I was asking her what she wanted to do. She gently nodded.

"Alright. We will go. Is there enough room and is it safe?" I asked looking at his small boat.

"I've fit four people in here before, we will be fine." He smiled while starting to unravel his boat from the dock. "Hop in."

I helped Ella in and then got in myself.

Ben started the boat and it dashed out of the marina and into the ocean.

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