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   "W-What's wrong? You don't have to do this if you don't want to..."

Rose shook her head slowly, letting the incessant stream of tears roll down her face as she let out a sob, her lips curled into a smile. 

        "It's not that...

        It's just...

        Tadashi is alive."


It took Rose some time to finally convince her parents to stay in San Fransokoyo, but when they succumbed to her pleading it couldn't have made the girl happier than she already was. 

Tadashi was alive. He was alive and breathing and right there in front of her. 

The female had just gotten off the phone with her parents, and all the while she gently held Tadashi's bandaged hand in her own. She couldn't find the words to explain her happiness or any of the emotions she was feeling. All she knew was that Tadashi was here and not gone. Though he was still in a coma, the very fact that he was present was perhaps all she could have ever asked for. 

        "Erm... R-Rosabella?" A timid sounding voice broke up the calming silence that had settled in the room.

Rose turned around and saw Mika, a cute yet extremely anxious looking nurse who worked at the San Fransokyo Medical Center. 

        "Yes?" She replied softly, her mind still in a bit of a daze from the news that Tadashi was alive and that she could actually be able to hold him once again. 

        "U-Uh... well since you agreed to come with me... you're officially a-a nurse here..."

        "Ah, yes! I'm very excited to be working here, I can't wait to start." 

        "O..Oh! Well that's p-perfect then... if you just follow me I can give you your uniform right"

        "Really? Right now?"

Mika nodded swiftly, gesturing to come outside of the room to follow her. Rose raised an eyebrow and the corners of her lips started to shift upwards. Working at the hospital right off the bat, huh? She didn't mind. After all, she had just canceled her flight back home and didn't have a place to stay or anything, so perhaps it would be beneficial if she started working now. 

After one last, lingering look at the male, Rose let go of his hand and proceeded to follow the other nurse. With her uniform all situated, a few files being documented to finalize her decision at working at the hospital, and some time to be given a tour, a peculiar thought popped into Rose's mind.

        "How come no one was notified that Tadashi was still alive?"

Mika remained silent, her hands clutching a clipboard as the two walked down a hallway of the building. 

        "U-Uhm... That's a very... perceptive question you have...."

        "I suppose so?"


        "How long has Tadashi been under this hospital's care?"



        "I don't think I'm i-in any position to d..divulge such information..."

Rose stopped walking alongside the other nurse and frowned, her forehead beginning to crease. 

        "What do you mean you can't 'divulge such information'? Isn't it supposed to be one of the hospital's highest priorities to contact anyone related to a patient and inform them of their state of health? Who's paying for Tadashi's care? Being in a hospital for two months can become very expensive... But why hasn't anyone been told about Tadashi being alive? Do you reali-" Rose abruptly shut her mouth when she finally took notice to the other female.

Immortals (Big Hero 6 Fanfiction || Sequel to 84 Times)Where stories live. Discover now