Chapter 4: Burned Soul

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Over the course of the week, Rose and the gang did some more research about the mysterious bot fights and the possibility of how someone was building an army. The idea itself was still pretty far-fetched, but as the week stretched on, less and less bot fights occurred. Regardless, something was definitely going on, and Hiro was determined to figure out what it was. He reasoned that if Mr. Yama was involved, it had to be something bad.

However, as occupied as Rose tried to make herself, she still couldn't get Tadashi out of her mind. He was infiltrating her thoughts the moment she stopped thinking about anything else, and that tended to be often. He even visited her dreams every once and a while, only causing her to lose a fair amount of sleep that evening. And it didn't help that she had to balance between school and her job at the medical center... But she couldn't help it, she was worried about Tadashi. She was not the only one who was worried though, as Aunt Cass soon approached Rose on one fateful, Saturday afternoon.

        "Rose... I'm sorry if you're busy right now but do you think you could do me a favor?" The kind woman asked softly, her eyes gleaming with a hopeful spark in them as she confronted the girl.

Rose, having situated a rather nice spot in the café for her habitual reading session where she spent some alone time sticking her nose in her favorite books, set down her novel and looked up at the woman with a curious expression. 

        "Of course, I'd do anything for you! You never hesitate to help me when I need it, what can I do for you?" She replied cheerful, failing to detect the somewhat taut and sorrowful aura that had tainted Ms. Hamada. 

        "I really appreciate it... it's just that I'm still very worried about Tadashi."


        "You see," She paused, taking the empty seat across Rose. "He rarely comes out of his room anymore and barely eats anything. I suppose it's understandable since he still has some amnesia... But it's just like what happened to Hiro when..."

Rose nodded quickly, understanding where the woman was going with her sentence.

        "I just was hoping you could go upstairs and talk to him. Maybe get him to come outside and spend some time with you?"

Rose pressed her lips into a thin line and flattened out her palms against the table. She swallowed and took her time in replying.

        "I... can do that... Right now?"

Cass nodded, looking at Rose with optimistic eyes. 

        "Okay..." Rose responded slowly, getting up from her seat.

        "I'll go... right now." She swallowed and left the older woman to herself, not daring to look back or even try to think about what she could talk to Tadashi about. She hadn't really interacted with him much since his release from the hospital... and the thought of his newly acquired, cold and rigid persona frightened her. 

Reaching the top of the stairs, Rose hesitated before entering the brothers' room. She finally slipped in quietly and scanned the room for Tadashi. He was nowhere to be found. 

Then she heard an abrupt cry and a loud noise come from the hidden bathroom tucked away in the corner of the room. Immediately, Rose lunched for the bathroom door and was met with a horrid sight. A chill ran down her spine and an unnatural coldness began to flow through her veins. 

Tadashi stood there in front of the mirror, his back facing Rose. A furious and hateful looking expression was plastered on to his face, and on the floor were several various objects. A shattered, ceramic mug, a tube of toothpaste, two toothbrushes, and a few miscellaneous bottles. 

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