Chapter 7: Baymax Destroyed

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Rose sat in the empty café silently, looking out the window with the most miserable expression. She was so consumed in her thoughts that she didn't even notice Wasabi take a seat next to her. It wasn't until he started speaking the she jerked and faced the male.

        "Woah, no need to get all riled up. It's just me." He chuckled softly, raising his hands defensively.

Rose sighed softly and relaxed her shoulders, offering the other a gentle smile.

        "What's wrong, Pixie? You're normally so cheerful. And I was kind of hoping to talk to someone who is actually acting normal." He laughed sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Rose sighed and looked out the window again. 

        "I'm just really worried about Hiro. It's utterly insane that he told us to stay here."

        "That may be the case... but it's our safest bet in keeping him safe."

        "But what is Callaghan goes back on his word? What if he hurts Hiro? We can't possibly predict what is going on through his head."

Wasabi remained silent. So silent that Rose almost thought he had left her. She turned around and saw the male brooding in his thoughts. 

        "Again, you're right... but we just have to trust Hiro on this one."

Rose bit her bottom lip before letting out another drawn out sigh. She hated this feeling. The feeling of overwhelming anxiousness. It made her jittery and she felt like her brain was going to explode the more she thought about Hiro's state of safety. But it wasn't just Hiro. Tadashi was also with Callaghan. Oh how she longed for the two of them to be safe... To just be able to be with the two of them... To be able to live a normal life...

        "I guess... you're right." Rose finally admitted.

Wasabi smiled and slightly nodded, giving her a reassuring rub on the back before leaving her to her thoughts. She sighed for the millionth time. If she really thought about it, there was no need to worry. Hiro had Baymax with him so if things went a little sour, Baymax would surely do something to protect Hiro at all costs. 

But remembering back to the note... it was possible that Callaghan would want to take Baymax away from Hiro... why else would he request that Hiro bring Baymax? But then again... Rose was sure that Hiro would be wary of this and protect Baymax at all costs. But... then what if Hiro got hurt because he was protecting Baymax? 

        "Aruagh..." She pressed the palm of her hand against her forehead. She was just over-thinking things, right? There's no way anyone would get hurt in this. Hiro will come back with Tadashi and Baymax. 


The thought was preposterous! There was no way that Callaghan would let Hiro go without some sort of injury! And who's to say he won't back out of his word and end up killing Tadashi?!

She was taking things too lightly. She needed to do something. Anything.

        "W-Wait, Rose! Where are you going?" Honey asked frantically, standing up from her chair in an attempt to prevent Rose from doing anything reckless. 

        "I'm going to accompany Hiro. There's too many things that could go wrong that we haven't even put into consideration. For all we know we could be willingly sending Hiro off to his deathbed!" Rose slipped on her jacket and scarf, pushing the door of the café open. 

        "Hold on a second, Pix."

Rose felt her hand being grabbed before she could step out of the building. She turned around and was met with fiery expression so fierce that it made her stop breathing for a moment. It was GoGo. 

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