Oh My!

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(little a/n) this is going to get really spicy.        (Oh and smut warning if you don't get the spicy joke.)

(y/n) pov.

I'm sat in my room with about 15 fans on and I was STILL HOT! So I decided to go downstairs and get a ice cold lemonade. As I got downstairs I could see meowscles cuddle up in skye's lap asleep. "hi skye" I said "hi (y/n)" she replied. We didn't need to whisper because nothing can wake meowscles, well except for when some shakes his food, then he will wake up and running to were the sound is coming from. Now meowscles runs as fast as sonic when is food is shaken and that's fast. "so skye were is midas?" "oh your boyfriend is in his room" skue replied. "skye he is not my boyfriend he is my boss!" I said. "*chough * boyfriend." skye said. "ugh" I said as I made my way to midas room.

I knocked on the door but there was no response I knocked again still no response. "sir midas are you in there." I said as I knocked the door for last time before I thought. "go in" so I did. Sir midas room was quite big like and apartment. I was looking around until I heard a door open. I knew I was not meant to be in here so I hid under midas desk. I could hear foot steps. Then someone sat down. Midas. I was silently freaking out because if midas found out I was under here he could no he would kill me or punish me or he would. My thoughts were put to a stop by midas.... SAYIMG MY NAME! Did he know I was here, I look up form the desk to see that midas was master batting.!

Midas pov

"oh yeah (y/n) ride daddy's cock yeah just like that!" I cried out. I hate to admit it but I have fallen in love with (y/n) and I have really naughty dreams and thought about her. Like how she would suck my cock when I asked her. How she would beg me to fuck her." ahhhh" I yelled. I came all over my desk. I better take a cold shower because of the heat and the cum that was all over me, wait who am I talking to." I said. I got up out of my chair and made my way to the bathroom until *achoo* I heard a little sneeze.

(y/n) pov
" achoo" I sneezed. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck! Is what ran through my mind. I saw feet and I almost pisses myself I was that scared. I closed my eyes. "(y/n) what are you doing under my desk?" midas asked. "sir midas I'm sorry I was looking for you and you didn't answer the door when I knocked so I came in but I heard you come in so I hid under the and again I'm so so so sorry please don't cut off my head and turn it to gold please please! I begged." I'm not going to kill you but I do have a punishment for hiding under the desk!" said midas. "OK sir I just do not want me do die!" I said. "stand up and take you clothes off!" midas demand. "OK sir" I replied. I took my clothes off. "turn around." midas said. So I did. The he took a gag a put in in my mouth. "mmmmmmm" I muffed. "hehe good very good now get to work." midas said as he gave my a wet sponge to clean his desk that had his come on it. I started cleaning it when midas put his cock up my ass. "mmmmmmm!" I cried. "well you wouldn't what it to be easy would you haha!" midas laughed. I was cleaning and being fucked at the same time "mmmmmmmmm!"i moaned." oh yeah (y/n) your so tight and your ass is so big, I'm going to come all over it! Midas yelled. "(y/n) did you find midas OMG!" skye yelled. I took the gag off. "skye it's not what it looks like!" I said. Skye took out her phone and took a picture. "bye losers this is going on my Instagram!" skye said as she ran away. "midas quick we got to get her!" I yelled but midas would not let go of me. "no I want the world to know that we are together." midas said "Awwwwwww!" I said as I cuddled up to midas.

1 week later

The picture of my and midas have sex had 3 billion likes and 4 billion views "SKYE, MIDAS I'M GOING TO Kill BOTH OF YOU!" I yelled

So that was that just to tell you I'm going to upload 3 more today or try to a fluff a smut and a smut again. And just a heads up one of the smut will be midas hitting you and punch you a rape so if you don't like that then read the other two so that was a warning! So look at midas as an egg and enjoy the rest of you day or night bye!

 And just a heads up one of the smut will be midas hitting you and punch you a rape so if you don't like that then read the other two so that was a warning! So look at midas as an egg and enjoy the rest of you day or night bye!

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