Trick or Nick??

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we've stopped. It's a grocery store. food and more bandages are essential, my scars have opened again and people will ask questions if i don't deal with them soon.

Jackson lends me some alcohol from his trunk to numb the pain.

stitching myself up in the autumn winds just gets harder and harder. 

all because my dastardly father demolished my spine in april a couple of years ago. I have never forgotten the pain. I deal with it every day. Sometimes people help. I remember going to school to dull the pain. and parties were also a reliever. What could go wrong when you're drunk in someone else's house? Nothing in my case. Some people have had experiences at parties, but who am I to judge.

I've had many painful times in my life. Jackson helps, and Edward, the love of my life, cares enough to put my life first

I've had enough with the sub par people in this world. 

speaking of which,

tickity flickity nick nack ferocious fury indeed

after applying my wounds i decide to talk to Jackson. he had a total breakdown earlier and I feel so bad that it was my idiocy of a blood relation that gave him such a fright.



'what's going on??'


wow I don't think it's ever been so hard to get through to him

'Grenadine you might as well give up I'm not talking about anything from the car today'

'Jackson you're clearly going through something'

'Leave me alone'


he looked kind of taken aback so I guess it worked.

'Grenadine you and i both know that you won't do that'

dammit he's too smart

the alcohol is starting to kick in now

I'm going now.

I can't stay longer

i feel my body collapse on the concrete and the darkness envelopes my small frame

welcome back to the void


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