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i pulled my butt into the driveway of a building hoping that I would find the friends i was looking for

A noise, and a thump, and they were there

Pink Haired Guy. my lead firefighter. famous for his ability to kill fire and simultaneously look like an anime character

'TAEYONGGGG!!' i haven't seen him in soooooo lonnggggg. After all the stupid drama with Jackson finally i had a friend







group hug

'ok...' i decide to break the news gently. 'jackson dated my sister and i hate him and he sucks and nick freaking blew up the damn place and im bleeding to death here did i mention that and i need some back up to go back to my sisters place because i just know that nicks going to be there probably a hostage situation if you ask me and i think you guys are perfect for this because you hate nick right and my mom was really hoping that i would marry mark but sorry mark i still fucking love Edward freaking Cullen and technically before that i loved Daniel Radcliffe and Harry styles but Nick FUCKING KILLED BOTH OF THEM and now hes going to kill edward and im just so scared and then freaking JACKSON RUINED EVERYTHING by dating Cat and i just want my dad to hit me over the head with a spoon and be done with it because life suuuuuuuccckkkks and o my god theres this new ramen place down the street from my house but i never got to try it because my STUPID RUSSIAN BABYSITTER WAS TOO CONCERNED ABOUT ME GETTING POISONED AS THE HEIR TO A BIG COMPANY like oh my god could she relax and just shut uppp??? who knows i dont but anyways will you help me or not?'

I'm pretty sure they can help, mark has always been with me

'yep' Taeyong gives me a hug 'We will help you'


my heart almost bursts but i nearly die of cherry poisoning

'yo mark round up everyone and we'll get the bus ready. and tell ten that he'll need to borrow a shirt because i don't think he owns one' 

i gotta laugh at Taeyongs words. Since when has ten ever not had a shirt. but I mean, I haven't seen these guys since they were almost arrested for stalking. Damn i was so scared then. but its got nothing on how i feel now. 

Oh Edward....

My lovveee

i will save youuuu

i fall asleep from exhaustion

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