I See What's Happening neue uahh...

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Jackson stares at me a second before parking his Lamborghini in front of me and patting the passenger seat. I get in just as a wild Edward streaks out the door in a flourish of wings and highlighter. He possitively gleams in the light

Jackson speeds

'What the heck Jackson??' ugh this bee atch.

'that freak is clearly a loony Grenadine.'

'oh so you think this is FunNy do you???' 

'oh yeah because everything is a stroll on your dads lawn, isn't it?'

'OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' i gasped feeling the full weight of Jackson's insult. 'YOU WHORE!!!'

'HA! pfft, Grenadine' Jackson laughs and then no. 'since when. does being hot. make me a whore.?.'

'UAHHGHHHHGGGGG!!!' i punched the steering wheel, swerving us into a parkade under a familiar house.

'BRUH!!?' Jackson pointed his gaze at me 


'no i don't'

'YEESSSSS YOU DOOO!! you're worse than Nick...' I hate crying in front of my best friend. i hate him so much sometimes. biggest hoe on the planet. but he did save me from Nick a few times, and he lets me eat his cakes, so i still love him.

'Grenadine, calm down. You're being a fish'

'ah nooooooo-... i-i'm nooooooot- ah' i cried between sobs.

'shush shush shush'

'aaaaaaaaaaaaa' i glanced through my teary blurred vision. 'wherrrrree are we?'

'ah... well... you see. i thought some family time was needed to help with all the death'

'Jackson what did you do'

'your sister'


'just get out and come in'


'you need to catch me first'


'No you don't!' jackson called in jogging mind

jackson sprinted up the ramp and disapeared

i took the elevator and there he was.....


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