The Sun Will Come up... So Never.

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I woke up in a van. It smelled of someone's gelled hair, and someone else's unwashed hair, making for a suffocating evening. I sat up and fell down the stairs, into the arms of my other idol, Daniel Radcliffe.

I suddenly turn to notice the other people around us. Edward Cullen stands next to me and reaches out to steady me as I wobble unsteadily.

'Hey, how you doing? Tell me what's your name?' he winks at me

I feel the heat as that blush creeps up my face, ducking my head and collapsing all of my weight against Daniel.

'Feeling like you are into me' Edward whispers in my ear.

I faint.

I wake. It's hot in here...

'Girl the way you mooove...' I hear a scandalous voice beside me as my eyes acclimate to the sudden change in altitude.

'H-hmmm???' i groggily shake the sleep out of me.

'You can feel my eyes on you...' his voice seems to reverrate in resonance within my head space

'AAAAA' I scream in horror. I just realized that Edward was here the whole time. Sleep watching.

'Perv' I exclaim in sullen disappointment.

'But my name is Grenadine...' I frown and stare at the back of the bus.

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