That's a Nice Pair of Skis...

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'Daniel...' my legs have stopped. I'm dead on a landslide.


a voice

just a sound in the void

all is lost

who could have stopped this??



my vision blurs and i prepare for the void to take me.


there it is again... that voice.... so near.... and yet,

so far.......

'GRENADIIIIINNNNEEEEEE, girl you have to wake up... NOWWW!!'

'OH MY GOD SHUT UP ALREADY' I scream at Jackson.

that damn voice haunts me. heats up my dreams and freezes my tears.

the void is taking me... I can feel it.

Suddenly my body is being hauled away and I hear the distant shouts of the snow on the hill.

'I like skiing...'


'i said i like skiing'

'I yell at you for 6 fucking days to wake up and tHAT'S WHAT YOU SAY TO ME!?!?!?!?!?'

'sorry you turd i was just sleeping' 

yeesh what a drama queen.

the snow hill beckons me, and i slip into the abyss again

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