Enterprise Vs The Armada

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- The Bombardment of the
Defense fleet continues parts
of their ships floats in the space like debris The ENS
Amagi, ENS Yatsen, ENS
Bismarck, ENS Formidable
has arrive to their aide and
Formed a Square formation
all the four activated their
Nova Blaze Shield forming
a tight shut barrier defending the defeated fleet
" What are you doing? you
guys should flee!" officer
Sara of Saratoga attempts to
persuade them " we are humans if we dont help each
other then who will " Takagi's Reply made Sara
realized what part of the
Humanity makes the humans unbreakable the
Energy Reactor of their ships
has finally depletes its fuel
the nova blaze wanes slowly
like a flashlight that had depleted its Battery " so this
where we face death but i am glad we serves the mother earth very well guys" Takagi  says her last
words the vanguard fleet of
the Armada Advances towards them until a crimson colored energy fired
towards them wiping out the
Advancing vanguard fleet
" That's the Hadron Blast from the hadron cannon!
the only ship has it.. the
Enteprise!" Takagi Happily
states giving light and hope
to the desperate situation the Remaining vanguard fleet slowly retreats back to
the range of their mothership Kiryuu appears
on the channels of the ENS
Fleet and Defense Fleet -

[ ENS - Enterprise ]
[ Command Bridge ]

Kiryuu: Sorry i am late i got
held up in the MEUF for abit
Takagi: we did our best yet
i felt like it wasnt enough
Kiryuu: Silly goose perhaps
you are aiming for Medals
Takagi: Hell no you irrational bitch! i thought
we are done for Good!
Kiryuu: You had done
well enough leave this one
to me now Takagi
Takagi: ill take you up for it
Sara: Going out with a small
fleet not mention you and
one aircraft carrier are you
Out of your Mind?
Kiryuu: This why i am a
certified irrational bitch
Sara: You are nuts
Kiryuu: Celine who is the one leading that mothership
Celine: prince G10M01
Kiryuu: Prince Gomory of
the Grox Empire huh
Celine: Yes My Queen
Kiryuu: That settle it then.
Listen up you fools lets flush
those alien bastards!

- she riled up the morale of
her battleforce " Kill all the
alien bastards!" they raised
their warcry on their communicators "Enterprise
Engage!" kiryuu shouted an
order all of the Five Hangars
of the enterprise has activated its launched squence online the Valkyries
launched their interstellar
Jets deployed from the enterprise leaded by Caresha and Celine starts their intercepting space crafts and bombing on the
star ships at the Armada
" Boot up the Main guns and
Cannons " she orders again
the personels activated the
Main guns  and cannons of the enterprise "Fire!" she
yelled and the barrage of the
Anti Matter and Phonon shots towards the armada
" Stohl" she called out to him
" On it " stohl sets his sniper's firepower rate into
spacecraft buster he strafes
and starts shooting down
Heavy class star ships
" ENS Kiana, ENS White open Fire! " she gave the two
battleships that was with the
enterprise the two ships starts their wide range barrage " Trying to move away from my range huh "
she sees the aramda retreating on her channel
" Whipped dogs" she comments " Sutherlands  support barrage, Beasts and
Titans Go for puruse, Valkyries go sink the flagships of cronos and
Ktullanux " She gave another order to her battle
force another Squadron of
Valkyries has been deployed
followed by Beasts and the
titans purusing the retreating Armada as the
sutherlands on the dry docks provides Long range
Firing barrage support
" Commander the Mothership of Grox has reversed its started Axis "
Reported by her personnels
" I'm not falling for that thats
why i had a pincer attack readied " ENS Tilan, ENS Blaze, ENS Bata, ENS Maryjane corners the Armada by ambushing them
from behind and starts attacking the rear flank
" Looks like they are not easy to put down " Lei commented " You gonna use
that? " Kaneru asks Kiryuu
" Yeah send the order of Planteray shelter sequence
i am going to use the Gravity
cannon " The personnels nodded and send the order
the battle force and the fleet
retreated into Jupiter, Venus
Mars, Saturn, Mercury along
with the defense fleet " With
this its truly my kiss of death
you beggets" she waited for
the clearance as the Alien
Armada were confused by it
" Deploy Gravity Cannon "
she orders the personnel activates the sequence the
Main Flight Deck and runway splits into half and
the revealing a large cannon
on the middle " Fire " she gave the order and the cannon emits violent energy
emission similar that of a
star quake charging Gravity
on it and released it firing
Single emission it lands into
the center of Armada the
orb shaped emission erupts
absorbing the whole alien
armada on it including the
mothership of Prince Gomory of the Grox Civilization then the emission shrinks down and dissipates in just few seconds there isnt a single
trace of the Armada left behind the Gravity cannon
went on cool down status then descends the flight deck and the runaway attached their other ends to
each other again. Victory has
Been attained the people on
earth that has been watching the live broadcast
raised their hands and shouted in victory " Ill be
heading back to earth first
You guys tow down the defense fleet and the ships
of takagi back to earth " she
gave one last order " roger
that commander " the seven
captains replied back to her
then the enterprise heads
back to the earth -

[ MEUF Headquarters ]
[ Naval Dock ]
[ 3:00 Am ]

Kiryuu: I have done my part
you can put us back in Jail
Stohl: well looks like we
are back to prison Again
Faith: Silly goose after all the
Bat shits you did out there do you think i still had the
Right to arrest you?
Kiryuu: So You are letting us
go then Faith?
Faith: Your case was acquit
and even yours stohl and
Your friend name Tyrone
Tyrone: Thanks i guess
Faith: Tomorrow i gonna held a conferrence within the ranks of MEUF since you
are the founder of the Earth's interstellar navy you
are expected to come as for
stohl you stay at enterprise
Stohl: Woah hey now you are not my superior. she is
Faith: thats for her to decide
and dont forget to come kiryuu ill be expecting you
Kiryuu: Alright i will keep
that in Mind Faith
Faith: well then good Night and see you at the day after. rest up well Commander
Kiryuu: You too General
I Bid you good night as well

[ To Be Continued ]

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