Stohl's Allegiance

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- The enterprise was docked
at the moonbase Luna for
certain time Kiryuu and the
crew as well the personnels
are talking about the sudden
order to return at earth kiryuu shrugged her shoulder pretending not to
know anything about it
stohl goes to the command
bridge he takes the elevator
in just seconds he arrives there he exits the elevator
and snatches the phonon
pistol from Lei's Holster and
as well Putting her in a headlock while pointing the
gun on her head Everyone
in the Command Bridge except kiryuu pulled out their phonon handgun and
they point it at Stohl "Nobody Move! or this woman gets it " he pressed
the barrel on Lei's head more they still aim their guns at him "this is why
having a ex terrorist on board was not a great idea
commander!" Lia Hollered
Kiryuu just calmly smoke her cigar puffs the smoke
fumes from her lips she
puts off her cigar on her pocket size ash keeper and
tucks it back to her pocket
"Lower your guns down" she
Ordered them and they keep
their handguns on their holsters " You too stohl" she
Added " Who are you to command me?" Stohl replied
" I am Asking you as the commander of the enterprise i am asking you as a fellow human being "
She replied and stohl lets
Lei go and he toss the gun
Away "Lets talk at the dry
docks " She just walked away And Stohl follows -

[ ENS-Enterprise ]
[ Dry Docks ]

Stohl: Who told you to rescue me you know who
Kiryuu: Faith did
Stohl: Lies that woman wont
waste a second for a former
Terrorist like me
Kiryuu: Stohl even you kill
me here and kill everyone in
the enteprise there is no way
You can fight alone
Stohl: How can you say that
Kiryuu: You would have escaped the saturn within three years alone but you
saw it too aliens are beyond
of our abilities without our
Technologies our chances to
fight back is ultimately Zero
Stohl: Fair point
Kiryuu: You got a friend imprisoned in earth right if
i am correct his name is tyrone isnt it?
Stohl: How did you know?
Kiryuu: i investigate it
Stohl: go on continue
Kiryuu: If you become a crew member for the enterprise your crime records will be erased and by my authority your friend
will be freed from prison as well his records erased
Stohl: Can you really do that
Kiryuu: of course i wont be
a commander for no reason
think about it stohl this is your chance to help our mother earth and the humanity itself i know you
value our home planet too
Stohl: Fine i will become one
of your crew member even
someone irrational as you
can be still reasonable
Kiryuu: Thank you stohl

- She gave the briefcase to
him he opens it and it contains Black Navy uniform of EIN with a Hat
holsters with phonon pistols
on it and a parts to assemble
a Cosmic Sniper that uses
Gamma ray as Amnunition
he saw her leaving the dry
docks "cunning whench" he
comments meanwhile a the
command bridge " Takagi,
Rossiya, Otto, Zhenhua also
Gargalin come here" she called out to the five of them
"i need five of you to remain
at the Moonbase Luna when
we go back to earth " she states a order "huh why do
we have to hold the forth in
here?" Takagi asked " well
Honestly i dont know what
lies ahead of me the moment
me and other to return there
thats why i want five of you
here to remain with your ships if ever the other civilization moves and the
enterprise is stalled just send me a code message and
intercept them " she tells and explained her reasons
then they nodded "Understood Commander"
Five them simultaneously
replied "thanks" she added
Day after tomorrow the enterprise left the moonbase
and returned back to the earth and docked the flagship at the port of the
EIN the bridge has descend
down kiryuu and all of the
crews unboard enterprise
the poor people carrying
Baskets of fishes, eggs, fruits
Vegetables some carries livestocks like chickens
Lambs, calfs, Piglets flocks
to them george and other male members tries to stop
them but kiryuu gestured
them to let the people be
she take the Black Hairy
Piglet from one of the poor
people and she smiled
" Lets buy all of what they
had all of it " she ordered the
crew to buy all those stocks
from all of these people she
handed the black hair piglet
to one of the herders of the
barn of enterprise "that one
is my pet take care of it alright? " she demanded and
he saluted at her then she
lights up her cigarette and
smokes it the poor people
thanked her and her crew
she just nodded and they
left then she saw Stohl descending from the Ship
"You look good on that" she
comments about his appearance in Navy Uniform
" hmph your taste in fashion
doesnt wanes at all " he replied and she laugh at the
Top of her lungs then she continues her smoking meanwhile there was a long
black haired lady observing
that scene from the top floor
of MEUF's Headquarters she
wears Navy uniform without a Hat crossing her
arms as she watches with her soul piercing gaze she
lets her navy coat dangle on
her shoulder it has Five Golden stars Insignia on the
shoulder then alot of medals
and badges pinned on the chest areas of the coat this
Woman is no other than Faith the General of the
Mother Earth's Unified Force
The Only Highest Authority
In The Face of the Earth -

[ To Be Continued ]

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