The Moonbase Luna

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- The Enterprise has docked
for some quite time The personels and the crew and
the battle station wondered
why there was in need of
stopping by at the Moon base they stand proudly as
soon their commander
descends from the command
bridge they saluted at her and she salutes back " Why
do we had to docked on the
Moon?" Lei asked kiryuu
"Because We need to choose
A Specific Fucking Aliens Damn terminate " she replied and Echo chuckled at
what she said along the bridge way there was someone waiting for a person " Mind to leave us
alone?" she asked and the
crew nodded and went ahead to the Lunar station
" My Little sister is now my
Commander putting me as
the lead of Valkyrie isn't kinda an favoritism" Caresha hang her arm on
Kiryuu's Shoulder scruffling
her hair " no its because of
your skills to fly and fight
using aircrafts " she replied
to her older sister "point
taken" caresha replied and
both gone to the moonbase
" Greetings Commander of
enterprise we are glad to
have you here i am Gargalin
the Head chief of Luna" He
offered a handshake "Likewise interstellar supermario" she handshakes
with him both of his crew
and her crew busted out
of a laughter because he
does look like super mario -

[ Moonbase Luna ]
[ Interstellar Suite ]
[ No time ]

Lei: You said the specific
species of Aliens earlier
Kiryuu: Yes i did said the
12 species to you 2 years ago
Lei: is this a precaution
Kiryuu: not at all but instead
will gave us edge upon
Invading and Killing them
Lei: I see i get your point
Kiryuu: Echo i want you to
observe from here and list
down the details you see
Echo: Understood
Kiryuu: Make some coordinates with echo
Lei: Alright commander
Kiryuu: George go check the
resources of enterprise if she
is still good for the two invasions that we will do
George: Affirmative

- Lei and Echo started working with their tools and
Equipments meanwhile
George went to the enterprise to check resources he saw the battle
forces doing nothing " Sir
our commander is not going
return for awhile?" one of the soldiers asked him " she
will soon but i suggest to
train the hell out of yourselves me and all of you
will get a ten times fold of
scolding if she finds out
you all slacking off" he did
a very long reply and they
swallowed their saliva and
begun to train themselves
like hell then he proceed to
check their resources and
Supplies meanwhile at the
moonbase Gargalin slammed his fist on the table
hardly with a pissed off
expression " She called me
instellar supermario! that
enterprise commander! who
does she think of herself!!"
he kicked his table away
he sat on his chair trying to
calm his self " Sir to be
brutally honest" one of his
crew speaks he leered at one
of them " Her Rank is five
folds higher than yours and
not to mention she is the
Founder the of Earth's Interstellar Navy itself"
he grabbed the guy gripping
the collar of his uniform
"That's exactly what pisses me off! she is just a no name
outlaw thinking she can
lead humanity to a victory
she might be still wet on her
underwear a kid!" George
heard his insults about his
commander he rushed over
and punched him in the face
" What do you think did you?!" Gargalin as he tapped
his face " Dont go off around
insulting my commander she might be young yet she is hundred times better than
you" George clenched his
fist the moonbase crew booked it for their lives
" She was the only person
who will fight those damn
alien bastards not even you
nor the Men on world would
dare " He picked up his file
report " She Rekindled the
sleeping flames on my heart
and the hearts of those who
had aboarded enterprise she is our Commander Kiryuu "
george walked out after he
said that sentence -

[ Moonbase Luna ]
[ Interstellar Suite ]
[ No time ]

Lei: So what do you think
Commander thats we can do
Kiryuu: Seems like the motherfuckers had not changed the orbital axis of
planets so the sun wasnt
Manipulated then
Echo: How do you know?
Kiryuu: Their Technology
used to retain and maintain
the axis of planet and as well
its mass and Gravitional field as well electromagnetic
forcefield addition to that
Lei: so had made plans for
The two time invasion?
Kiryuu: Yes Mars and Venus
those planets are nearest
Neighboring planets to earth
Lei: Understood Commander
Kiryuu: George is our supplies and resource will
last us for two invasions?
George: Yes commander i
think will last us for three
Kiryuu: Good we will reduce
one tomorrow then
Echo: Eh Why Commander?
Kiryuu: one of alien fools
will attack this moonbase
its the Fatuus Specie the one
that took residence on the planet mercury 
Lei: and we are attacking the
Zorgs and Protos sooner
Kiryuu: we will do that the
day after tomorrow 
George: is it staged?
Kiryuu: Correct its a Deployed small Diversion
if we beat that Diversion will
make those bastards rethink
of belitle on Humanity!
George: Hah You are really
indeed our Commander!

[ To Be Continued ]

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