The Arrival of Armada

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- Stohl turns his attention to
what have Kiryuu's been doing " What is that for?" he
asks her of what she is up to
"Making a electromagnetic
Infared Flux communicator"
she respond as she continues
assembling parts by parts
" ans it sounded like a complicated shit to me" stohl
comments as he shrugged his shoulders "what you gonna need that for?" he
added " To Communicate to
the moonbase and to the lieutenant commanders that
i had deployed days ago" she
answers as she finished the
assembling the device she
Inputs the channel code and
radio sequence binaries of the Moonbase Luna and to
the ENS-Amagi she attached
the Mic to the earphone and inputs the earphone on the
Device and gave the other ear piece to stohl she turns on the device and it worked
properly " Hey its me" she
worded out both Takagi and
Gargalin hurriedly accepts
the channel from her " i wont be staying in conversation for too long listen to what i say" She added "yes what is it" both
of them responded " you Gargalin i wanted the interstellar scopes to be observing at Orbit of Saturn
to Pluto as soon the Interstellar Armada moves
report it immediately to the
MEUF " she gave an order
"understood" Gargalin responded " Hold up how did you knew that there was
Armada Arriving?" Takagi
asks "we had destroyed their
allied civilization so the grox
and other two remaining will move and formed an
Armada and launched a
Invasion on us after 3 day
Takagi tell rossiya and others prepare for the combat and wait for my
orders to engage" she briefs
the details and order to The
other "Alright Understood commander " Takagi replied
and the conversation ended
" Was that for the best?" stohl asked " All thats left is
timing for giving Faith a  reason to deploy us for defense " Kiryuu replied the
soldiers has come to their
cell opening the cell door
" Your time for trial has come " one of the soldiers says as they escort Kiryuu
and stohl to the court of the
MEUF the Authorities from
all combat fields and governance has gathered and faith was at the middle -

[ MEUF Headquarters ]
[ The Court of Trials ]
[ 7:00 AM ]

Kiryuu: Hah! You surely know to publicly humiliate
a person arent you faith?
Faith: I am not obliged to
Answer that from you
Charles: I am Brigadier charles houston in charge
for your questioning and
Whatever we ask you are
Obliged to answer!
Kiryuu: Yeah yeah keep your
shirt on Old Geezer
Reiha: As Disciplinary head
i see this as Barbaric!
Kiryuu: Whatever Bitch
Charles: Kiryuu Commander
of Enterprise Is it true that
you took on the four leaders
of Independence fleet?
Kiryuu: Yeah so what?
Charles: Even Adding their
Neglectfulness to your charges then i take it?
Kiryuu: I cant just abandon
four broken souls arent i?
They seek retribution for their mistakes then i will
Bestow them to that
Hans: Insolence! you dont
Have authority to do that
Kiryuu: Colonel last time i
checked my rank is five times higher than yours
Charles: Then is it true that
You took an Alien under your wing and answer me!
Kiryuu: An Alien Pilot on par
with humanity's Greatest skilled Pilot Caresha and had
knowledge over the most
Powerful matter the qualledian matter itself
Sidney: Blasphemy! that kind of matter is beyond of
Humanity's Reach!
Kiryuu: Yet i knew that it
existed perhaps you should
redo your whole lifetime homework the professor
Curie: What field in science
you were at commander?
Kiryuu: PHD in Ferminology
And Quantantology
Curie: My word! so you are
expert in Alien Life and Interstellar Entities then
Charles: General is it true?
Faith: It is after all me and that cigar for brains used to
be School mates 20 yrs ago
Charles: is it true that you
Had take on the ex terrorist
stohl on your wing?
Kiryuu: Yeah to clear him off
his criminal records along with his friend tyrone by
offering their service to the
Enterprise and to the earth
Charles: Mister stohl what
was she is saying is true?
Stohl: it was a logical decision perhaps i may had
respect her as former school
mate as well right faith?
Faith: Whatever stohl
Charles: What are your intentions of Joining EIN?
Stohl: To Kick the asses of
Aliens what else is in there?
Reiha: This is outrageous!
Stohl: Stop bitching around
Kiryuu: Ahaha nice one stohl
Charles: General What will
Be your decision?
Faith: I find Kiryuu and stohl
Guilty of all charges

- Before Faith gives her verdict a channel pops up she allows and accepts it
it was gargalin from the Moonbase Luna "sorry to
interrupt but the Alien Armada are heading towards our boundary "
he reports and shows a visual of the Interstellar
Armada marching towards
the Earth " Multiple channel
tabs appears it was from the
lieutenant commanders" so
any orders " Intercept now!"
Kiryuu shout out an order
" Understood " the liutenant
Commanders replied all
together " and the channels
shut off "Deploy the Planetary barriers " Faith
gives a command " Nope that
wont be enough to stop them " Kiryuu states and Multiple Alien aircrafts has
Phased through the barriers
and starts bombing the unified cities " Gargalin sent
my message to the enterprise and deploy the
Phonon tanks to shot down
those mosquitoes in the skies" Kiryuu orders gargalin "Yes Commander" he responded and the channel from him shuts off
Leaving the visual on the
Battle of defenses on earth
" General what should we do?!" the MEUF Leaders asked her with a Panic tone
Faith Clenches her fist she
calms herself " Release these
two then i will assest the situation " She orders and the soldier uncuffed both
Kiryuu and Stohl then Faith
turns around facing them -

[ MEUF Headquarters ]
[ Court Trials ]
[ 8:00 AM ]

Kiryuu: So what faith what
would it be? you decide
Faith: I already sent a code
message to the USS Saratoga
USS Essex, USS Iowa, USS
Los Angeles and USS California and other ships
Kiryuu: None of those can
Hold a Candle to the combined Alien Armada
Faith: How Pressumptous of
You that your damn aircraft
Carrier can turn tides on this
Battle are you stupid?
Kiryuu: I am might be the
Pissiest Bitch in the space but i am prepared the moment i picked up this fight against those damn Alien Bastards all of the time
Faith: I will think about it
Then I Might Deploy you
Kiryuu: We will continue this stupid trial on the other
day but we have no time we
cant risk our mother Earth
Stohl: Faith i know you had
lost trust on us years ago but
even despite of our Raging vendettas we are hear perching in to defend our home to prevent our Fall
Faith: Well fine if only you
can prove me wrong that the
defense action fleet that i had sent weren't Enough
Kiryuu: Alright deal we will
take on that challenge

[ To Be Continued ]

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