Invasion on Aimas Planet: Saturn -1

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- The Enterprise Has reached the Orbit between Jupiter and Saturn "Commander we
are positioned at the coordinates you gave " the
Personnel reported " Alright
ENS- Amagi Launch " she
gave the order to the carrier
to launch " Affirmative "
Takagi Replied "why are you
Deploying one carrier only?"
Kaneru asks " Because i got
a bad feeling about this the
Planet's Orbital zone its
Oddly quiet no spacecrafts
Around " Kiryuu replied
And Kaneru Just Raised her
brow in wonder " Unova, White, Bismarck, Yatsen
Formidabble, Deploy and
be Position at the rear " she
gives out another order
" Copy that " The captains
and Lieutenant commanders
Replied at her  "Awaiting for
Orders " Takagi reports in
" Deploy Three Valkyrie Squadrons from Enterprise
And Amagi " she gives another order  " the Six Valkyrie squadrons has been Deployed and headed to the
planet saturn as soon they
enter the airspace of saturn
their engines stopped suddenly they were encased
in a force field spacecrafts surrounds them "Ma'am we
lost contacts with the valkyries " the personnel
reported to Kiryuu "connect
us the the infared channel "
the personnel nodded and
opens the infared channel
" Enterprise to Valkyries
respond " she ask for the
Confirmation  and no response taken " Again Enterprise to Valkyries
respond " she tried again and waited then there was
a short static then it becomes a audible voice
" This Caresha of Valkyries
Responding to Enterprise"
The personnels sighed in
Relief " State your situtation"
she asked " Our Engines down we are trapped in a
Forcefield surrounded by
their spacecrafts " Caresha
Replied " I see we wull Retriev all of you later " She replied " Alright God Speed to you sister" Caresha
Replied the channel cuts off
" Commander" one of the
Personnels called to here
" What is it now?" she asked
" Enemy Fleet heading to our
way " the personnel reports
" Rear Guards Intercept we
gonna withdraw Starboard
Reverse we will stationed ourselves at the Jupiter "
the deployed ships Aimed
their guns at the incoming
Fleet and starts firing as they
retreat to the Jupitet along
with the flagship enterprise
after minutes of bloody
retreat the captains and the
lieutenant commanders had
entered the Lobby of the
Enterprise Takagi Grabs
Kiryuu from the collar and
punches her the other grabs
her wrist and shoves her -

[ ENS-Enterprise ]
[ Enterprise's Lobby ]

Takagi: Why did you made
us Retreat!? are you gonna
Let those Valkyries befall
on the hands of Enemies?!
Kiryuu: If we Attack as the
Whole Fleet we will never
be Able to return to the earth are you stupid?
Takagi: Irrational Bitch!
Kiryuu: Listen here Cunt
if we got captured our ships
and Warmachines will be
Scuttled and we will be a
slave to the Aimas Civilization for the rest of our damn Lives!
Otto: Yes she is right Takagi
the humanity has fallen once if we fall here then our
species is Doomed
Rossiya: What happened to
the Valkyrie squadron
Kiryuu: Mechanics Disturber
its a transparent energy force meant to forcibly shutdown a Machine's Power at instant
Rossiya: Such a Power...
Kiryuu: they are Aliens
Fused with Super Artificial
Intelligent Life so that kind of Thing is not Impossible
Lei: that is one of helluva
Civilization we got there
Kiryuu: Not Much worse as
the grox but we will encounter more than this
George: well thats true..
Kiryuu: You all did well today so get some rest

- Kiryuu Exits the Lobby and
Wents to the Inner Areas of
the enteprise where the livelihood is located every
soldier and pilots saluted at
her and she salutes back to
them then she proceeds to
the Science division to check
things out "Commander!"
May and other scientists saluted at her while Celine
Bowed at her she put her
palm on her chin and moves
his gaze at the single unit
Titan designed different than others "Whats is this?"
She asked "its the new titan
frame unit model Albion its
the unit you asked us to make before we left earth"
Everlin replied " Hmm i see"
she replied " Along with this
Battlesuit " Anna opens the
Capsule chamber and it reveals a Black suit with black metal infringes on the
waist, Gauntlets and arms
covered with solidified black
xenon fused with utopnium
the Legs are covered with
the same the back of suit
has thrusters and Levitation
device shaped in small wing
palms had energy blasters
and underfoot has thrusters
and headphones that can
transform into a Mask
" This is Battlesuit Model
Sunderframe: Godsbane"
May states the name and model "catchy name" Kiryuu
replies the inventors snickers "Celine tomorrow
You will Accompany into the
Saturn " she states " Yes
Absolutely My Queen " Celine replied Kiryuu nodded and walked away
she passed the key drive of
Albion to Linus and continued Walking meanwhile at the facility of
the Planet Saturn the captured valkyie pilots are
being Lead to their cell chambers by the Aimas
And Stohl happened to Witness all of this "Arent those are Humans " He leans
closer to the crystal of the
door of his chambers and it
confirms of what he had witnessed " Fellow Humans
but how they were able to
capture them " he put his
palm on his chin and thinks
" That means Earth has muster a strength to strike
back an Interstellar fleet "
He jested "Say Commander Kiryuu will really retrieve
us here?" He heard the name
that is very familiar to him
he clenches his fist "she definitely will " the other
Pilots " That damn coward
is still alive " He grits his teeth in Annoyance -

[ To Be Continued ]

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