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After The Two Came Back to Camp, Smallear Was the Next to Know. It didn't take long for the news to spread like wildfire around camp. All three of their littermates had stormed to the two who were sharing tongues near the nursery.

"How could you?! I thought we were sisters!" White-eye wailed.

Speckletail lazily blinked her eyes at the she-cat "We are, but if I told you first I'm pretty sure you'd tell the whole forest before I can even have time to tell Smallear. Also, I asked Thrushpelt for advice."

White-eye just grunted and moved on to talking about another topic. Tawnyspots and Dappletail sat beside the others as they talked about the future kits

"How many do you think you'll have?" White-eye pondered "Oh! I hope you get like..five."

Speckletail looked at her sister in horror "Dear StarClan I hope not" she shook her head wildly "I had trouble watching over you and Dappletail alone, how much more more kits that no doubt might get your curiosity and determination .."

"I wasn't that bad!"

"You and Dappletail literally were forced to eat the fish you caught at night after Hailstar and Pinestar found you guys hunting by the river to know what they tasted like"

All of them laughed till the tortoiseshell she-cat spoke as well. Dappletail's eyes gleamed in excitement, "Oh it wasn't that all bad, at least it was memorable, besides.." she sighed wistfully "I've always wanted to have kits of my own someday"

Thrushpelt tilted his head curiously at his sister, Tawnyspots had the same expression as she had the same moony face that their mother had before. The two toms looked at each other

'Who do you think the tom is?' Tawnyspots mouthed

'No clue, wanna find out later?' The other tom replied softly

They silently agreed to each other as they continued to talk and celebrate Speckletail's pregnancy. It didn't seem like time passed at all till it was almost sundown. The siblings bade each other farewell as they parted ways for the night before they all sleep together in the warriors den. The two toms waited till they notice something amiss with their sister (which happened) as they realize she was heading for the ravine to leave. They swiftly followed


The two toms were silent.

It had felt like moons since they were following their sister. The tortoiseshell she-cat seems to already know where she's going, but they figured it wasn't a border patrol nor a hunting one since she passed by the trees she should've marked and the mice who unintentionally ran across her paws.

The sandy-brown tom turned to the gray tom, both their eyes gleaming in curiosity

"Do you think the tom is from another clan?" Thrushpelt whispered, dodging the sticks on the grass he might step on.

"No idea" Tawnyspots replied, mimicking his older brother's actions "But if it was, what do we do?" It took a moment for them to answer within a heartbeat

"Yeah we keep that a secret" They both chuckled, knowing that they'd definitely get upset if their sister broke the warrior code but then again in the end would be willing to hide this secret, they also know White-eye & Speckletail would've done the same, their bonds unbreakable, in their perspective anyways.

They realized that the grass started to lessen as the feeling of sand was on their paws, they were on the edge of the forest near the river, sunningrocks was already just several tail lengths away. Thrushpelt felt a sense of deja vu as he remembered that this was the place where he watched her attack Oakpaw.

"I think she's meeting that fox furred RiverClan tom" he whispered to his younger brother.

Tawnyspots raised a brow "You mean Oakpaw? Are you sure he's the mystery tom she's mooning over?"

"Who's there?!"

The two were about to talk about it further till they ended up stopping abruptly the moment their sister had also stopped, looking around attentively to see any possible stalkers, hopefully unaware of their presence. The tortoiseshell she-cat started to walk towards their direction so Thrushpelt suddenly shoved his brother behind the rocks.

"Watch it!" Tawnyspots hissed softly when some of the smaller sharp edged pebbles grazed their fur, their soft paws preferably wanting to feel the grass of the forest rather than the riverbank's surface. Thrushpelt looked at him apologetically but covered his hissing with his tail on the muzzle in fear of them getting spotted.

The forest was silent besides the occasional chirping of the birds up high till the sound of grass rustling followed by the sudden sound shift meaning they were walking near sunningrocks now

"Is that you?" The toms can hear their sister's mew.

A low rumble of a chuckle can be heard as a rough voice spoke up

"Indeed it is Dappletail~"

Thrushpelt froze, the voice of the tom so familiar that he felt his name was on the tip of his tongue. Tawnyspots must have recognized the voice too because he stayed silent out of curiosity, not needing his brother's tail to cover his mouth. The two exchanged glances and as always, no words were needed to say what was both on their minds.

We have to take a peek.

Slowly but stealthily both their heads peeked out from behind sunningrocks, wanting to see their sister's mysterious 'friend.' Ocean blue eyes stared at tortoiseshell, unaware of the two brothers hiding. The she-cat stared back at him as she nuzzled her head to him in greeting.

"Please tell me you're seeing who I'm seeing?" Tawnyspots whispered.

Thrushpelt nodded "Yeh..but, I wish...maybe..they're not.."

It was Stormtail..

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