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Rainfur Had Gotten Worse.

At least, that is what Thrushpaw and the others had overheard a patrol talk about as they passed by. Of course, they went silent once they saw them, the kits (and foster kits) of the she-cat.

It did not take long till that the news in the Clan they overheard when it spread that there was an sickness scattering onto them. The cats who had them were Doestar, and unfortunately, also Rainfur.

It was only Cloudberry who was allowed to approach both queens, which means that this sort of illness was serious. All of the apprentices were worried about the well being of their mother, and this made them determined to find prey as soon as possible for her.

Their mentors were not with them again, they were sent to hunt at Snakerocks, while they were sent to hunt nearby their location, as long as they don't come to the adder infested rocks.

"Ugh, have you seen any birds..or maybe mice?" Dapplepaw looked defeated as she angled her ears everywhere, not hearing anything no seeing any sort of movement.

"Nope, the area is as barren as leafbare..whatever it looks like."

Specklepaw flicked a random pebble with her paw "Isn't leafbare the season with no leaves and the white stuff?"

Tawnypaw shrugged "I forgot."

"We were all born in greenleaf, and a few of the green leaves in the trees are starting to become orange and red..so maybe its going to be leaffall soon," Dapplepaw mewed.

The conversation stopped when all of them heard a very faint squeak. They all pricked their ears to find out where it came from but it was the tortoiseshell she-cat who responded. Dapplepaw sped away so fast that a light breeze tingled their whiskers and where she had been was no longer where she stood.

The undergrowth rustled as a tail poked out of it. Then, a furry head emerged out, something little and brown dangling in her jaws.

"You caught a mouse!" Whitepaw was delighted as well as the others. Dapplepaw dropped the dead prey and licked her chest shyly.

"I only caught one though," she said sadly "I couldn't find anything else."

"That's better than finding nothing at all," Tawnypaw reminded her "C'mon, let's all try to find something else to catch."


They Found Nothing Else..

They had roamed so far that they almost reached the riverside but they still can't find anything else. A ThunderClan hunting patrol stumbled upon them, also with nothing yet.

They were heading back to snakerocks, hoping that their mentors won't notice that they had went too far than what they had actually permitted them. The dark clouds from before several sunrises before had came back, not as dark nor as much as they were, hopefully it means the rain is not gonna be heavy.

"Had you guys seen Windflight by the way?" Specklepaw asked. Tawnypaw and Thrushpaw just kept walking, hoping that there won't be another argument.

"We saw him leave for a hunting patrol earlier right? Don't tell me we'll talk about that issue with Poppydawn again." Dapplepaw looked at the three of them seriously, making Whitepaw from beside her silent.

"Why won't we?" Tawnypaw had joined in as he looked back at her "You still don't want to accept the fact that Thruspaw had caught him with prey that he shared with her, let me add in that he never gave prey to us. Also when we caught him again, putting new feathers on her bed next to his, which I found out also that her bed was actually mother's, and still never giving those kind of things to us!"

The others just watched the two get aggressive, tails low and flicking. The sound of thunder boomed, not as loud as the ones before, but still surprising. Then, rain poured down on them lightly, their fur wet despite the softness of the shower. The others did not take cover because they were preparing themselves to seperate the two if they fight..again.

Tawnypaw let out a warning growl at his sister "One day, you'll realize that what we said was true."

Dapplepaw hissed back at him "Until that day you say comes, I will look at our father with respect and at my mentor as a role model that I will be like one day!"

"What if that day would be today?"

The two were thankfully stopped when Thrushpaw spoke up. While they were busy being mouse brains, they didn't realize that they were by the Great Sycamore, the mini hill with a huge sycamore tree that had trees far away from it, making it have a mini clearing around it as well. But that's not what had caught the attention of the sandy brown tom to get theirs.

It was the two cats sitting underneath the big tree.

Light gray fur next to dark red fur.

"You shouldn't really have to come all the way here to see me," a feminine voice mewed.

Tawnypaw and the others padded closer, hiding behind the undergrowth and the trees as they listened to them. Whitepaw looked at the she-cat beside her who she had sided with, pity in her eyes.

"I'd do anything to get to spend some time with you," another voice replied, followed with a chuckle.

The she-cat licked her lips as she bit down on a familiar brown furred mouse "You are lucky to find a mouse, haven't had one for a while. Where did you find it?"

The tortoiseshell hadn't noticed until now why the mound of earth she had used in burrying something became smaller when they passed it.

"I just chased the thing nearby here. It was tiring but at least I caught one for you."


Dapplepaw's ears drooped, a sad and betrayed look on her face. She had admired them both, and the truth was too much.

Father & Mentor.



Family & Friend.



Windflight & Poppydawn.

Thrushpelt's Tale {Warriors AU}Where stories live. Discover now