Chapter 1: Dreams

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Black surroundings, then blood red then a figure ahead it was small and short, but I couldn't see anything. I stared waiting for the figure to do something but it didn't it just stared moving it's head every now and then. I tried to speak but nothing came the figure stayed quiet, it was dead silent. Then Slowly from above a red color falls landing on the ground causing the ground to ruffle like a splash in water I then sunk under losing my breath.

I would then wake up.

God it pissed me off. This has happened for the fourth time this week and it's been going on for the past two weeks. Sitting up from my room I glance at my dark surroundings.
There was a knock on my door.
"Master deku? Are you awake?" A voice said.
"Yes yes, go away"I groan as I got out of bed. I opened to see overhauls newest experiment. The artificial human named yuko. He looks up at me awkwardly.
" Um, have a meeting with your associates -"
"I don't have associates, They work for me don't be a dumbass"I snap as I closed the door in his face. 
Changing I wore a simple dark blue shirt and jeans with white shoes. Opening the door my maid waited as she smiles.
" Good morning Deku"
"Hello eri, what's today's agenda" I said.
"Um, the new villains are here, stain is have a meeting to discuss the Fukurōdani bank for the black crystal, and the hero's are getting very specific hints of our hideout" she says.
"Thank you eri you are free I'll take the rest"I said patting her head. She flinched, as usual, but I don't blame her if it was up to me she would have had it worse so she should be grateful.
I rolled my eyes and walked into the office at I looked at the "villains" with a bored gaze they all looked shocked to see me.

"Did you expect someone else" I demanded. They didn't respond only shook there heads.
"Y-your just bigger than we expected-"
"I didn't ask, what are your quirks and what's it a use to me"I demand.


??? Pov

That dream again, it's scary but annoying at the same time. I tiredly got up rolling off my bed and flopping on the floor with a loud thump.
" (Y/n)?! You okay? " A familiar voice called. I groan as I turned to the door of was no doubt my mother by her voice.
"Yes mom..." I stretch.
"Oh, okay then I'm glad your up today is the first day of school after all!" she sung. I groan. Yey....bullying.
When I walk out someone ruffled my already messy hair. I look up to see my brother smiling at me.
"Good morning sis"he says. I then noticed his U.A uniform and next to him was the suitcase with Ground zero, his favorite super hero, stickers.
" accepted?" I frowned. Tadashi chuckled nervously.
"Yeah, it's great and bad at the same time, promise I'll call you tonight" he grins kissing my forehead. Before I could say anything else he ran down the stairs and was out the door with a loud goodbye.
"I'm coming !" I said as I ran down the stairs.
"So, first grade excited" she says giving me a bowl of rice with eggs and bacon.
"Sure..." I muttred slightly playing with my food.
"Hey, it's okay, I'm going to miss him too" my mom says rubbing my shoulders. I grunt slightly mumbling something under my breath.
"But! Your going to be late you can eat in the way"she says picking me up and giving me my bag as she pretty much dragged me to school.

When we got there it sucked. The teacher knew me and so did some of the students. And the first thing you have to do in school is and introduction first was the brat one sakura.
" hello my name is sakura yakimina and my quirk of flower bomb"she grins with her overdramatic spin. Most boys went head over heels for her which I find gross. I didn't like people and mainly they don't like me.
"H-hi....I-i'm (y/n)....(y/n) (l/n)...and i-i don't want to tell you my quirk -"
"Oh please how about you just tell them that you don't have a quirk! "The teacher says with a smile. Most of the kids laughed. I bite my lip to resist the tears.

Recently it's become and 95% of the world possessed a quirk and I happen to be that little five percent and since where now so rare it's dangerous because my dad, whose a officer,  told me that the black vans take quirkless people and sell them for quirk breeding.

I run back to my seat as I put my head down as I tried not to cry. The teachers voice faded away as my surroundings turned black and sound disappeared.
I was in that dream again only this time that thing that stood across from me was visible. The only thing I couldn't see was it's face. It then stalked towards me. But I couldn't move soon it towered over me as I once again fell back in the water.

I woke up with a yelp and lucky it was the teacher.
" Hey, wake up it recess, sorry about earlier" she says with a sad smile. I glanced away no one else was in class so I felt a little better.
"I don't care.. Thanks for ruining school"I muttred as I got up walking outside the sun blinded me as I then walked to the playground.


" It was a child and here I thought it was something else... " I grunted. I turned to the teen in front of me who was trembling. His uniform was from U.A I glared and Swiped my hand and his head fell off and rolled in front of my foot which soon crushed his head.
"Oh no...I have to clean my shoe again...I stepped on a bug"I muttred disgusted. But this child looked no older than seven. Is she a threat to me or not...
" Eri"i said looking over my shoulder. Eri looks up at me with a nervous glance.
"Clear my schedule tomorrow, I have some studying to do"I stated.


"How was school?" (Y/n) asked.
"Great and you would never believe who my teacher is?" Tadashi says.
" ground zero THE GROUND ZERO can you believe it and he's way scarier than in tv"he fan boys. (Y/n) laughs rolling her eyes.
"Is inginium there?"
" There, he's the principal!! "
"No way! Can you get his autograph for me"
"Sure sis, tell me about your day....did you make any friends?"
"No..." she frowns sadly.
"Well, don't worry you will"
"You said that last year"
"And I ment it and I do now, it's going to be okay sometimes the world surprises you...just got to wait okay"
" Okay... "
"Love you loads stay safe, the kidnappings are getting worse"
"I-i will..."
"Love you, I'll see if I can come over this weekend"
" you too bye "she smiles handing up as she gave the phone to her mom.
" so school wasn't that fun? "
"Not really it was just boring" she likes going up stairs.
"O-oh...okay I love you"
"Love you too"

De next dei

(Y/n) sat in the sandbox as she played with her action figures.
"oh no it's all might who will save us? !!" (Y/n) says holding a rock with a smiley face.
"Mwah ha ha! I will!" she says as she grabs the action figure of and villain that defeats all might. Not noticing she was being watched from afar.
Three girls walk over as they watched.
"You seriously made the villain win?" Sakura says disgusted. (Y/n) turns
"W-well yeah...have Y-you ever wondered what would h-happen if the villains win?"
" no because that's what villains think "she says as she threw a flower at (y/n)'s hand and it exploded causing a small scream from the poor girl as she fell back, since the explosion wasn't strong it just left a bruise.
"Your not a villain are you, cause if you are I'll have to beat you up-"
"Oi! The hell do you think your doing" a voice yelled. The four girls turn to see Bakugou standing there with a pissed off look.
"Ground zero?!"
" You bullying?! "
"W-well she thinks like a villain"
" How do you know, she just playing now beat it"he hissed causing them to run. He bends over to her level as he checks her hand.
"Sorry that happened kid-"
"Y-your my brothers teacher...right?" she whispers as he bandaged her hand.
"Whose your brother?"
" Tadashi (l/n) "
"Oh the kid with the lightning quirks, you got a quirk?" he asked.
"No....n-not yet at least"she says quickly. Bakugou turns as he frowns thinking about his mistake.
" Well don't give up, maybe you can be my side kick "
" Yeah, now run home and tell your parents to watch you better "he says seriously.

Midoryia watched from afar as he glares following from a distance.
"Quirkless..... "He repeats "brings back old memories...."

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