1.2 - home

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Indie walked home from the school, her dress covered in some punch and foods that were displayed at the event. She sighed to herself as she realized she still had a block to go before reaching her home without her phone since it was dead.

The sad girl walked home, heels in hand as she suddenly became frightened. A car pasted her, then stopped and backed up again to get next to her. Indie tried to walk faster away from the car- not even looking back. The boy swore to himself as he quickly tried to catch up to Indie, not even bothering to turn off his car since the street was so dead at this time of night

Indie heard her name being called by a too familiar voice- turning around to see Ashton quickly bringing her into a hug. She began to cry on his shoulder, not like she silently was crying before. Ashton just held her tight, letting her know she wasn't alone at this time that she was sad.

After a few moments of standing under the street light, holding each other as she cried. The older boy didn't care that she was covered in food stains and smelled like liquor and punch, he was here to comfort his friend of many years then he would ask her.

"H-How are you here?!" Indie whispered into Ashtons ear in shock as she wrapped her arms around his neck while resting her chin on his shoulder

Ashton closed his eyes as he hugged her tighter "My moms in the hospital, shes having some knee pain but the doctors don't think its that serious. But its my mother- so i had to leave the boys instantly and come visit her." Ashton said swaying back and forth, trying to keep Indie warm in the late night wind.

"I'm sorry about your mom, Ash. Ill go and visit her soon" Indie said pulling away from ashton, only to put on her heels again since the sidewalk was just too cold for her toes.

"Its okay. shes still in a happy mood, always smiling like nothing was wrong." Ashton said taking off his jacket and draping it over Indies bare shoulders as her teeth chattered.

"Come on kiddo, lets take you home and then we can talk." Ashton said taking Indie's tiny hands in his own as he cupped his hands together around hers then blew his warm air into his hands trying to warm up her hands like he always did. (a/n if that makes any since)

Ashton guided Indie into his passenger seat of his truck, closing the door behind her as he walked around the front of the car. He quickly climbed in and buckled up before driving down the street.

Indie wiped her tears that were still falling down her face silently as Ashton drove down the silent, dark street.

"Do you want to come in?" Indie asked in a whisper as she was about to get out of the car on her own. Ashton grabbed her wrist, making her look at him before he quickly got out of his seat and went around to open the door for her.

Ashton muttered a 'come on' as he put his hand on the small of her back to guided her into her house. He didn't have any intentions on anything sexual, because one Indie and him are two close as friends and two he wanted her to cheer up. So that's what he planned to do.

As Indie opened the unlocked front door, her dad sat in camouflage sweats and a grey teeshirt just watching Taken 2 on the couch.

"Dad this is Ashton. He's one of my friends in my little group of friends." Indie said making her dad stand up and turn around to shake his hand.

"What are you doing here?" My dad caught right to the chase

"I saw Indie walking down the street by herself and i had to stop and bring her home since its nearly twenty degrees outside and it wasnt safe, sir." Ashton said calmly, sounding much more mature then he actually was.

"How old are you son?"

"I'm 19 sir."

"Do you have any intention on getting in my daughters pants?"

"DAD!" Indie whisper shouted at her dad as Ashton and her Dad chuckled.

"Um no sir, Indie is like family to me. In fact I would kick any guys ass who would try and hurt her." Ashton said looking at Indie who smiled back.

"Plus dad im not some skank like other people. Im pretty sure im the only virgin girl at my school." Indie chuckled as she tucked some hair behind her ear.

"Oh, well Im glad someone is here to protect my little girl while im gone." Indies dad said ruffling Indie's hair up making the girl to giggle. Ashton suddenly felt bad that he couldnt protect her since he was always gone with the band while she stayed home in Australlia.

"Me and Ashton are going upstairs to catch up" Indie said kissing her fathers cheek before grabbing ashtons hand and walking up to her room.

Ashton went and layed face down on the bed like hes done multiple times before as Indie closed the door, leaning against the wall next to it and closing her eyes. 'deep breaths Indie', she thought to herself. She didnt want to half to break down again.

She wanted to start crying from laughing so hard with ashton, not crying because her life was a disaster she wanted to escape.

After a few moments, ashton finally lifted his head and turned to look at indie who was letting silent tears fall. Ashton quickly got up and wiped them away, but indie just wanted to escape from the world.

She had no one, and the few people she did have were always gone around living their dream. Yes she supports the band, but she still misses the boys (michael the most).

Indie tried to push past ashton to lock herself in her bathroom, but ashton wasn't having any of that.

He quickly pulled her back by her waist and just held her as she cried into his chest.

Ashton slowly sat down in the middle of the floor, bringing indie into his lap still letting her salty tears out.

"My mom hit me while my dad and you guys were gone, becky and colt were just using me to embarrass myself in front of the school, I bet michael hasn't even got any of my letters god-"

"He does, and he really wants to reply but he doesn't really know what to say to you. We see him get letters all the time as he stops what he's doing to read it. It adorable actually, but he won't tell us what they say." ashton smiled and assured her with a warm smile.

Indie still cried, but se wasn't sure how to stop. It's like she was holding all of this in do so long and now all of the tears are breaking free.

Ashton really wasn't sure as to what all he could do on his part but comfort her. But it just kept getting worse. Ashton finally did something he should've done a few moments ago.

He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed the number he was looking for.

Indie had no clue as to what he was doing, as of she was snuggling up to Ashtons neck still crying.

"Hey man- What's wrong" michael said realizing that a girl was crying in the background, and he knew exactly who.

"Hold on let me put you on speaker" ashton whispered as he pulled the phone away and did has he said.

The old teen placed his large phone on the ground as he rocked indie back and forth to try and comfort her.

"Indie" there was a pause. He had so much to ask and say but no words left Michael's mouth.

"Hey Mikey" indie said smily, pulling herself away from Ashtons neck a little so her words were clear.

"I got your letters, indie, and I'm so glad you wrote them."




//I fell like shit and im missing school so recommend me good books :)

Comment if you want me to start going back to letters or what. I'm having a lot of fun writing this and it's almost over.

cosmicmgc95 I lava you. lol.

-morgs xx

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