0.8 - letter eight

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dear Michael,

you'll never guess what happened today, some guy - who apparently is my new friends older brother- asked me to his senior prom.

you could say im excited, but im more nervous than anything.

why would he choose me?

i don't even know the guy on a personal level, like yea i've seen him whenever i go to over to Becky's ( new friend) house. I don't know, i just feel real sketchy about the whole thing, is that bad? I might tell him to find another date, i just don't think I'm capable for this.

It would have been fun to go with you and all the guys and their dates ( how we did it at homecoming in freshman year). That was fun.

i really miss you, Michael

i miss our cuddles

i miss the laughs we shared

i miss all 5 of us (sometimes more if one of the other guys had a girl tag along), always running down the streets in the night making memories.

remember that time when my mom had some party to attend and had to leave for the weekend. So instead of throwing a massive party, you me and the guys made 2 pillow forts and had a marshmallow fight throughout my house. Then we all got on the couch and watched A Haunted House one and two and you fell asleep on my lap. The boys took pictures of you and thought it was cute, she don't tell them i told you.

i love you so much

a reply might be nice? i wanna hear how you've been.

- indie xx

p.s, it was Calum who drew the dick on your face and all of the boys helped put makeup on you that night. god they will kill me now 0.0

p.p.s: the guys name was Colt. the guy who asked me to prom

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