2.2 - dressing room drama and tears

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        Michael quickly skimmed over the warm, fresh sheet of paper from the printer which held the words written from Indie's email. That's what he always did, printed off the letters and kept them in a old converse shoe box with 'Indie' on the top in sharpie. It was his memory box.

Michael ran his fingers threw his freshly dyed blue hair in frustration. 'What does she mean she doesn't want to see me?!' Michael thought to himself before he kicked the coffee table over next to where the printer was as the boys were currently back stage for one of their shows.

All three boys and Paul {their body guard} came running to see what the noise was about. Michael was found in the little lounge room they had to relax in, pacing back and forth across the tile floor pulling at his hair. Silent tears fell, dripping on his stubble face as the boys watched him from the door way trying to figure out what they could do to make him calm down about whatever had happened to him.

"Sh-Sh-She doesn't w-want to see m-me" Michael broke down covering his face with his hands as Michael let the tears fall freely. Luke and Ashton came over to the broken boy, offering a massive group hug to comfort him.

Calum walked over the the place on the floor where Michael dropped Indie's printed letter, scanning it over quickly before tapping Luke on the shoulder so he also can read the letter. 

"I'm so sorry Michael" Ashton said after reading the letter for himself, placing it on the little table in the middle of the room. Michael just nodded his head, looking at the floor while he sat on the couch with Cal and Luke on his sides and Ash on the coffee table. 

Paul left a while ago, saying some people were trying to get backstage so he had to go help.

"Is there anything we can do?" Luke piped in after a few moments of silence except for the sniffles coming from Michael

"I know this must really suck man, but then again she does have a point-" Ashton started but Michael cut him off by shooting his head up in the speed of lightning looking at each boy for a seconds. 

He rubbed his eye with the palm of hand before standing up quickly, looking for his denim blue jean jacket that he had basically worn for a past 2 weeks, with also his snapback.

He just loved his blue jacket, along with his snapback. Michael only had one snapback and one denim jacket, but he just couldn't help himself to wear those two things the most.Indie always told Michael whenever he wore his denim jacket and snapback before he left that he looked very attractive, more like loved him in those two articles of clothing. 

Calum was trying to talk Michael into staying and giving Indie space along with the other two boys, but that didn't stop him. 

But one thing did stop him, and that thing was Chrissy walking into the room. She was opening her bottle of Coke before plopping herself on the couch across from the other couch the boys used to be seated on. 

Yes her and Michael had a close relationship, but Chrissy was the type of friend that Michael came to in case he had advise about Indie. Plus she had a serious relationship with one of the guys in her own little band. Chrissy was like a little sister to the four boys just like how Indie was, and all the boys think shes really cool too. 

"What?" Chrissy said looking up from her phone on the couch once she realized everyone was dead silent, unlike how the dressing rooms were never quiet at all.

"Here" Luke said leaning towards the small girl on one leg to reach out and hand her the meaningful- yet confusing letter. She read over the letter a few times to try and come up with a explanation as to why Indie would say something like this- even thought the two were about to see each other in a few weeks. 

Michael finally found his snapback to cover his messy hair from when he pulled at it, and denim jacket to block out the harsh winter winds. Chrissy looked up at the boys to see if they had any ideas why Indie would write this letter. 

"Mikey!" Chrissy shot up from her place on the sofa to run over where Michael was getting his phone, keys, and wallet as if he was about to leave. 

"Look i love you and everything, but you need to give her a little space before talking to her again so she might change her mind about all of this again. okay?" Chrissy cupped his stubble face in her hands so he would have to make eye contact with her, like how he was trying to avoid.

Michael let out a big sigh before nodding, closing his eyes in the process. Chrissy nodded back even thought he couldn't see before letting go of his face to give him a bone crushing hug.

"GROUP HUG!!" Ashton yelled while giggling, making everyone else laugh loudly before everyone was pulled into a warm group hug.

"YOU CANT GO IN THERE MISS" Paul shouted at the girl who stomped her feet loudly, heels clicking with each step she took before finally making it down to the very last door at the end of the hall. 

The metal door to 5SOS's dressing room where all the boys were currently opened. Everyone pulled away, smiles still plastered on each face but quickly went away when they saw her.

"Mikey boo!!" Taylor exclaimed while bringing her hands to her face as if she was surprised, which she was only faking it.

"What do you want Taylor?" Michael said still mad at her for being the person who spread the rumors about their "relationship" to the paparazzi, and tried to hook up with him multiple times at her party after the boys played The Forum even thought he said no every time. 

It was like she was obsessed with Michael, even thought he wanted nothing to do with her. Like yea she did seem cool at first but now he (along with the boys, Chrissy, and the bands crew) knew the real her.

"I just came by to tell you that...." Taylor said happily like nothing was wrong, ignoring his attitude and the boys looks, before Taylor looked at each boy before answering.

"I'M YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND!!!!!" Taylor screamed in a high pitch noise which wasn't pleasant to the ears. Taylor tried her best to run in her 6 inch high heel boots as quickly as she could trying to give Michael a kiss.

But she got stopped by Michael holding onto her shoulders telling her the one, and only thing he had wanted to tell her since that day at her party.

"Im already in love with the most amazing girl on the planet, and that person will never be you."

"So i would suggest you go and fuck off or security will gladly take you out instead" Michael finished, no emotion on his face {but not when he was talking about Indie of coarse}.

Taylor held up her perfect red fake nails to her red lips, he mouth making the perfect O has she gasped at what she had just heard. Quickly, Taylor quickly pulled out of his loose grasp before stomping out of the dressing room, shooting them the middle finger before walking out.




i love taylor {her music, style, ect.} and i know that nothing really happened between her and MIchael but I had to make her seem like the bad guy in this (even thought shes the nicest human i know). Just to clear that up incase i got hate for it- i actually love her sm, but the book needed her to be the bad person. yea sorry i had to explain myself

chrissy costanza is chrissy bt the way lol {shes my mom guys, her and michael are my parents hahahaha omfg hahah omfg okay im good now}

currently 2:29 am and im eating nutella wtf. 700 READS, AGAIN WTF!? Thank you so much, i love you all and keep voting/commenting 

ill probably update alot (on most of my books) since we have no school bc of snow *peace sign*

-morgan xx 

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