1.1 - prom

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Indie walked in, arm wrapped around Colts as they made there way to a empty table. She would rather be at home in her warm bed writing Michael another letter, but wanted to be nice and not cancel on Colt.

His tie matched her dress, which she thought was snazzy. Colt sent her a warm smile as he told her he would be right back- making her sit by herself at the table while everyone else talked and dance.

"Hey, do you think i look hot?" Becky said- coming out of nowhere- making Indie jump in surprise. Her new friend looked stunning in her navy blue, down to the floor dress covered in a gold pattern on the top part showing off her chest.

Indie suddenly felt insecure as she only has on the short pastel colored dress, with her silver glitter heels from a shop in France when her mom had business, and hair curled but pulled away from her face.

Her mother would always try and change her daughter by making her more 'girly' as she would say- but always failed. Indie was always going to be that girl who fell in love with bad boys in bands that dyed their hair multiple colors, with many piercings and tattoos that made him so much hotter without trying.

"Indie- are you even paying attention to me" Becky crossed her arms over her chest- only making her boobs More exposed and she knew it as some guys walked by while she let them stare down her dress.

"I'm sorry, i need to find your brother" Indie cut her off as she began to get up and walk around the large gym in search for her date.

Indie searched for multiple minutes before finally spotting him- only to have a much tinier girl who looked about 14- clung around his waist. She gasp at the scene in front of her, surprised that she was ditched by her date.

"Hey babe, this is-"

"Look i know were not a thing at all- but if this was what you were going to do all night then i would be happy to leave with or without you" Indie held her ground in a calm voice. She was always good at standing up to people- but sometimes she was defeated.

"I know... I'm sorry. But this is Wendy a friend of mine." Colt said bringing Wendy forward for Indie to see her clearly. She was gorgeous, and their was no lie in that.

After talking for a few minutes, a slow song came on. Colt held his hand out for her to take in his.

They moved their way to the middle of the floor, dancing slowly to the unknown song just swaying back and forth.

"You know I'm having fun so far" Colt admitted as he pulled Indie closer to his body so she could rest her head on his chest. Indie nodded- muttering a 'so am i' into his chest as they music continued to play.

Colt pulled back, making Indie confused as to why he stopped before he smashed his lips onto hers.

It took her moment as to what had just happened, then she fully recovered,

She kissed his back, yes but she wasn't trying to deepen the kiss like he was. Colt pulled at her hips to bring their lower regions to one another as Indie simply kissed him back cupping his face.

She didn't fell the sparks she did when she kissed Michael in that abandoned house afte their paint war. In fact, she didn't feel anything for him, making her realize one thing.

she- Indie Morris- was in love with her best friend

Michael Clifford.

It all made since now why she would get so easily mad at the world when she saw pictures of Michael and Taylor Swift or other famous celebrities about rumored relationships.

She was in love with him, and only him.

Indie quickly pulled away before muttering 'Im sorry, i need to go.". Indie quickly tried to make a run for any door near her, but all were jammed. She silently cussed to herself as she made her way towards Becky- who was in a corner eating some random guys face off.

"I need your help , i need to get out of here secretly. Any solutions?" Indie said scanning the room to make sure nobody was watching. Becky only nodded before taking her hand and dragged her to behind the curtains of the stage.

"Okay go threw that door and just walk out, nobody will see you." Becky said with a smirk- which Indie didn't notice. Indie quickly nodded before slowly opening the door.

There were a few steps before you had to go on some platform to exit. She quietly tiptoed up the wooden stairs, not knowing that one of the teachers were calling up the students for prom queen and king.

As she finally started to walk on the floor instead of stairs- she noticed a bright light shine in her eyes.

Hiding her face with her free hand that wasn't next to her side- she tried to see where the light was coming from only to find out it was the stage lights and she was on stage in front of the whole upper class.

"Miss Morris, what are you doing up here?" One of her teachers said to her as she became nervous. Everyone was laughing at how red her face was, then another girl screamed that she looked like a slut.

"I was looking for a exit" Indie said standing taller to seem more confident- but all of that went down the drain as someone threw a cup at her. Luckily the person missed, but Indie tried to run to the other side of the stage without getting hit. That was bad luck since every student (as far as she could tell) was throwing food and spiked punch filled cups at her screaming 'why is this trash friends with the 5sos boys?!' or ' shes just a stuck up bitch' some even ' rot in hell' and 'die'.

Yes the things were hard but it only hurt worse when she saw Becky and Colt smiling to each other before throwing stuff at me together.

It all made since, the two siblings were doing this 'plan' just to make Indie get food thrown at her. It was all a lie, but she wish it wasn't.

Indie let a few tears fall before fully exiting off the stage and just like her 'friend' had said, a door with the sign 'exit' flashed in red letters.

Indie only sighed before exiting the side of the building, making her way home as she cried in piece.

It felt good to cry, she hadn't done it in a while. But Indie was glad to be doing it now




*evil laugh* im not sorry, but this gif is what i would be doing to Indie right now bc that was shit what she had to go threw.

Becky's dress is acacia brinley's prom dress. Just search it in google if you want to look 😍

btw, Indie is played by Aurora Mohn ;) not the girl in the gif

- morgs xx

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