2.6 - twitter mourning

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Okay so just to clear things up, Taylor hacked into both of their email accounts to make it looked like they hated each other but they actually don't. Taylor just did it so Michael would forget about indie and be with Taylor. Yea glad to clear that up lol.


Indie mopped around the house, all during the party and afterwards. Her parents and some family friends would come up to her multiple times, asking if she was fine. She wasnt, but she told them everything was perfectly fine.

Her and Michael knew one day they would have to end it, but they were never to say goodbye.

Indie layed down in her bed, covers pulled up over her shoulders, trying to hide from the saddness in her white bed. A re-run of Friends played quietly on her tv that hung on the wall, but she didnt bother to watch it. She wasnt in the mood to do anything, all Indie did was lay in bed under the covers while stareing out the window.

Her phone quietly vibrated a few times (meaning a call was coming through) from under her pillow, Indie lazily reaching for it as she answered. She didnt bother looking at the caller ID though.

"hey, have you checked twitter?" mali-koa, who quickly and quietly said threw the other line of the phone spoke. She let out a lazy no before Mali-Koa told her to get out of bed and she would be thier soon.

Indie hung up the phone before closing her eyes again, staying perfectly where she was before. a few seconds later, the annoying phone vibrated once more. Indie picked it up with little force before groning to herself from the message she just recived

The text from Mali-Koa read "Im not stupid, get your ass up before i get that creepy kid from next door."

Indie rolled her eyes before getting out of bed and throwing on some black skinny jeans with a hole in the knee. She searched her room for a teeshirt, looking through her dresser and closet. Indie stood in front of her closet, scanning her eyes from each and every artical of clothing when her eyes landed on it.

She slowly bent down and grabbed the old article of clothing, holding back her cries. the old white shirt held so many memories, making her hold it close to her chest while she cried in the middle of her room.

Indie was still crying when Mali-Koa got to her unlocked house, her eyes held pitty for the broken girl while she still cried. She slowly walked over to Indie before rubbing her shoulders and walking her back over to the white bed.

"That's his shirt isnt it..."Mali-koa said rubbing Indie's back while she layed down in her bed. The room fell silent once again making the loyal friend know instnatly- she was right. Now she knew that it would be best not to show Indie the most recents tweets from Michael about her. Now was just not a good time, but when will it ever be?


Michael was the same way though, and this was the biggest week for all of the boys and their career. Throughout the 10 hour flight to Michael's favorite place on earth (despise of his own hometown), all he did was subtweet things about her.  He bleached his hair to try and forget about her, he tried loooking forward to Japan with his 3 best mates, but nothing made him forget. The quietness of the plane and his soft music playing from one on his earphones only made the feelings towards Indie creep into his mind faster."

Before Michael realised what he was doing, the two new tweets were sent to his followers making his notifications and mentions blow up. 

"@Michael5SOS: would it be out of line if i said i missed you."

"@Michael5SOS: please tell me im dreaming" 

Yes, fans went crazy with these simple, but meaningful, tweets. Some thought they were just lyrics from the new album coming up, but then again everybody had their own opinion. 


"@quickiecal: please someone leak the new album already beCAUSE THESE LYRICS ARE SO FJSGH"

"@KITTENTAILS: i. need. answers. omg"

"@flexzayn: SOOOO000oooo whats her nameeeeEEEEEE *wiggles eyebrows*"

"@cliffordscandy: this is mY MAN SO THIS GIRL BETTER STAY IN HER OWN LANE. BYE:"

"@lukesleftovers: people need to stop over reacting about this omf. leave him be."

Michael scrolled throught all the fans tweets, following a few people here and there who were actually nice about the tweets. One tweet form the same user before caught his eye making him smile for the first time in nearly 2 hours. 

"@lukesleftovers: even if there is a girl, we still dont need to hate on michael OR her. besides that, we can always ask her to leak stuff for the fam."

He creeped onto the mysterys girl page after favoiting the tweet before looking at the newest tweet sent just seconds about. 

"@lukesleftovers: yes i was talking about nudes in my last tweet. so judge me all you want, I WANT NUDES!!1!!1" 

Michael snorted in his comfortable plane chair making Dave and Ashton look in his direction for a second. He favorited all of her recent tweets and followed her before clicking on the 'reply' button.

"@Michael5SOS: @lukesleftovers one day love, ill make sure to keep that in mind ;)"

The Scientist- by Coldplay started to play in his earphone before he put the second earphone in and quietly fell into a sleep of sad thoughts and the girl he was madly in love with. Indie.


this is trash im sorry, i am blaming this guy im talking to and writters block on this one. its sort of hard to write sad scenes when your happy soooooo :-) i love you guys, bye you noodles 

my twitter is the @quickiecal one lol but most of these are actually real accounts lol

ALMOST 5K IM SOBBING SFKLGKJDFG (i need new covers fuck ughhh)

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