Talk With Kris

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     After learning about the Sparking Beys, the other members of BC Sol went to training, some were in the Gym, others were battling.

Right now, Shasa and her little sister, Honey, are standing on opposite sides of a bey stadium, both of them are locking their beys into their launchers. Cuza as a referee. Shasa and Honey got into their launching stands. Cuza stuck his arm out.

"First Battle!" He announced and then he swung his arm into the air while announcing.

"Ready? Set!" And then both Shasa and Honey shouted in the same time:




"GO SHOOT!" While Shasa pulled the thread on her launcher as hard as she could and Honey pulling the ripcord out of her launcher as hard as she could sending both of their beys spinning into the stadium. Shasa's  Giga Saturn is a balance type bey, which means she can change her bey into three different modes, Attack, Defense and Stamina, since Honey's Bey is an attack type, she decided to go with Defense since it has an upper advantage.

Giga Saturn quickly took to the center, holding up a defensive position. While Honeys bey was sending a mirage of attacks, a little like Valt's Rush Shoot. Honey kept attacking and attacking but Giga Saturn was able to withdraw every attack. 

When Honey did one more attack, Giga Saturn was pushed out of it's center, and that's when Shasa called out her special move:

"Giga Crash!" She called out and Saturn went from standing still for a second to going into a big attack like a person on a slide, and then it made contact with Honeys bey, knocking out of the stadium, giving Shasa an over finish.

"Giga Saturn with an over finish! Shasa wins!" Cuza announced, calling the match.

"Yo, Shasa!" Someone said, Shasa turned to see Kit waving at her.

"What's up Kit?" Shasa asked, Kit walked up to her, pointing his thumb behind him.

"Kris wants to talk with you." That statement made Shasa bit curious, what did Kris want to talk about with her? But none the less, she decided to walk over to Kris's office.

After she walked down the halls and opened the door to Kris's office, she found Kris, sitting in front of her desk with Raul next to her.

"Oh, Shasa! I'm glad you're here, how are you?" Kris asked in her usual smile and her usual warm voice.

"I'm doing great Kris, so what did you wanna talk about?" Shasa asked her with a curious tone, as she walked up to her.

Without wasting any time, Kris got to the point.

"You remember how we went over the new Sparking Beys today, right?" Kris reassured her. Shasa nodded.

"Yeah? What about them?" Shasa asked.

"Well, Raul was digging in further, trying to find out more about them, then he found blue prints on a few Sparking Beys, one being Valkyrie." Kris said, and with that, Shasa was surprised, if Raul found that Valkyrie has a Sparking Evolution, then Valt has created his own Sparking Bey.

"So?" Shasa was still confused, she felt a little dumb, thinking this was supposed to be a hint to something.

"A new era of Beyblade is starting to begin, with that, it's bringing new bladers and beys. Mainly, Sparking Beys. I want our team to be able to be apart of that era, and I think you'll be a perfect choice." Kris said and continued.

"We want BC Sol to rise up to that peak, and to do that, we need get to a whole new level. So starting from today, you and Raul will be creating your own Sparking Bey." Kris said and Shasa's eyes widened, she was excited but also nervous at the same time.

"Are you sure? I mean, I can almost handle the power of a Turbo Bey, Sparking Beys are a whole different level." Shasa said. That's when Raul decided to speak up.

"You have been working harder than anyone here! I think it's time that you start getting more into the blading world, Ha Ha!" Raul said, and Kris smiled. Both of them were sure that Shasa was ready. 

Shasa was surprised at first, but then she smiled.

"Alright then! Let's get work." Shasa said with a confident smile. Kris and Raul smiled at that, and then Raul and Shasa left to Raul's truck to create her Sparking Bey.

When the door closed, Kris turned her chair to stare at her window, looking at the view of the bright blue sky with clouds and forests, surrounding their team building. 

Kris still had a hard time believing it, four years ago, it was her dream to make BC Sol the strongest team, and ever since Valt,Rantaro,Silas, and Cuza joined, they were able to make it happen. Along with the help of others. But now, most of them decided to compete on their own.

All of them grew up, they became better and stronger and Kris wants to take it to the next level. She wants BC Sol to pass the limits.

And with the help of Shasa and the other members, they might just do that. But it wasn't going to be an easy journey, she remembered how Valt told her about Aiger, how he had to go through special training and hard moments for him to defeat Valt and become the World Champion. Same thing with Dante Koryu, he was another member of BC Sol, he joined up with the Victories, a team that protected the future of blading.

The three of them became legendary bladers, but did they look on what caused them to become legendary? Yes, they are strong but they head certain people in their lives to help them become strong. Valt,Dante and Aiger will never forget their loved ones and how they got their. 

Now, Kris believes in Shasa, she sees great potential in her, and maybe someday, just someday, Shasa will surpass Valt and bring the blading world into a whole another future! The Blading world is growing and it's time for them to rise up to the peak of the blading world and their future!

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