Shards Shirosago

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     Right after Shasas and Tomokas battle, they've decided to go out for the night. They were walking through a city and wanted to hang out with each other and have a good time.

"You're pretty strong for a blader, ya know?" Tomoka said, Shasa nervously scratched the back of her head.

"Haha, thanks. But you're pretty strong too." Shasa complimented back. 

"Thanks. It's pretty hard to believe that you've defeated a legendary blader." Tomoka began.

"I know, I was even surprised at first. But It was thanks to his training and believing in my partner." Shasa said and Tomoka smiled.

"Oh yeah, I don't mean to brag, but I actually battled Valt right before I battled you." Shasa mentioned and Tomokas eyes widened.

"You battled Valt?" Tomoka almost yelled out and Shasa grinned.

"Woah. So? How'd it go?" Tomoka asked, interested to see how the match had gone.

"He easily won. I mean, he's stronger than ever." Shasa said and Tomoka felt there were more meaning to those words.

"Stronger than ever?" Tomoka repeated.

"Yeah, I was on BC Sol when Valt first arrived. We were great friends and we still are now. It was just a catching up." Shasa explained.

"Really? So you were friends with the number 1 legendary blader? Sounds awesome. I'm actually great friends with Sisco too. He was on BC Sol right?" Tomoka asked.

"Yeah! I noticed you launched like him back in our battle. You look up to him a lot, huh?" Shasa grinned and made Tomoka blush.

All of a sudden, they heard a ding sound and Tomoka pulled out her phone.

"What is it?" Shasa asked.

"Oh, one of friends, Shards texted me." Tomoka said as she started typing on her phone.

"Shards? Never heard of her." Shasa said and Tomoka smiled up at her.

"She's actually a pretty strong blader. Probably stronger than me." Tomoka explained and made Shasas eyes widen a little bit in curiosity. A blader that is stronger than Tomoka?

"She just said to hurry up. You see, I was gonna hang out with Shards today but then I ran into you, haha." Tomoka said as she blushed and scratched her head and then came up with an idea.

"Hey! How about you join us?" Tomoka asked and Shasa was surprised.

"For real?" Shasa asked and Tomoka nodded and took her hand and dragged.

"H-Hey! Not so hard!" Shasa exclaimed.

Along The Streets

"Hey! Shards!" Tomoka called out, the girl, Shards, was standing by a bench by the busy streets full of cars. Tomoka was still pulling Shasa, Shasa looked ahead and spotted Shards.

She found the girl as tall as her with electric black hair and dark purple eyes that consist of a black ring around the Centre. She's wearing a black sleeveless crop shirt with spiked up like parts on her shoulders, the bottom of the crop is shaped like an upside down V with dark purple stripe lining the edge. She also wears black long tights reaching down to her ankles with a similar V shape when her tights start on her waist also with the purple stripe lining it. Her shoes look like Lui Shirosagi's classic white boots with another purple strip lining the tope. Her look is completed with a small thin black choker on her neck. He hair hair is also tied up with a hair band.

"Tomoka? What took you so long and...who's the new girl?" Shards asked or more like, hissed which made Shasa confused, with her arms crossed.

"This is Shasa Guten, she's a friend, don't worry." Tomoka introduced. Judging by the way how the girl asked, Shasa wasn't really getting good vibes from her.

Shards stared or more like glared at Shasa which made her uncomfortable.

"She's only nice to those who she thinks deserves it." Tomoka whispered, giving some info on her friend.

"'d you meet her." Shards asked Tomoka.

"We accidently ran into each other, we actually had a battle, that's the reason why we were a little late." Tomoka explained, and the fact they had a battle sparked a little interest in Shards.

"And believe this, she actually defeated a legendary blader, Xander Shakadara!" Tomoka said with stars in her eyes. And that statement made Shards widen her eyes a little bit and look at Shasa.

"You defeated a legendary blader?" Shards asked and Shasa nodded. For some reason, Shards thought it was a lie, how could a random blader just defeat a legendary blader out of the blue. She didn't care at all about Xander, to be honest, she didn't care about a lot of the legendary bladers but there were a couple that interested her. But to hear that someone defeated a legendary blader, she had to battle them.

"Then prove it to me." Shards said, surprising both of the girls.

"What do you mean?" Shasa asked.

Shards then held up a beyblade.

"The names Shards Shirosago and this is Destroy Sadryn. Battle us if you're really that strong." Shards said, or more like demanded. Shasa was a bit surprised to see a sparking bey, it seemed to be in the shape of Lost Longinus but with a black and purple recolor. It also had a sparking core of Rage Longinus. But she was also a bit surprised to hear that her last name was similar to Lui Shirosagi. The dragons on Sadryn was recolored with a black color and the rest of the layer seemed to have a neon purple color on the layer.

Shasa was surprised by her demand, she had not expected to battle her right away but then she smirked at her.

"Okay then! I was told you were a blader so let's go! Cosmic Saturn will take you on!" Shasa exclaimed as she held up her bey. Shards was also a little bit surprised that she had a sparking bey but what intrigued her even more was that she swore she saw Saturn quickly spark a flew flames around it. The flames flickered a couple times, Shards was about to rub her eyes to make sure she was seeing things but she felt like it was real.

Tomoka was a bit nervous, because she knew how Shards changes during battles. But on the other hand, she was looking forward to see how her new friend will do against Shards.

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