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~kellin pov~
Everyone talks about the high of drugs, no one talks about the comedown. Ecstasy makes you feel a little shitty physically and completely kills your appetite, but mentally it's a complete bitch.

When you're on it you feel so energetic and sexy and like everything is fucking rainbows and butterflies, so coming off it is the exact opposite. I feel so tired I can barely move and the depression is hitting me hard.

If you add this to the fact that my mom was just in my room and then left me home alone, I'm not in the best situation.

I eventually force myself out of bed and into the kitchen for a drink. I should be careful about keeping hydrated with water but that's not what I need.

I spend the rest of my night in my room getting drunk and sleeping until I finally pass out for good.

When I wake up the next morning I feel like death warmed over. My head is pounding, I'm extremely nauseous, sweating like crazy, and I actually wish I could die right now. The post E depression is still here and my brain is in an extremely dark place. By tomorrow I should start feeling more like myself.

I don't remember much from last night except texting Vic a little and getting up to puke once.

Let's just say that my morning isn't pretty and when I actually pry myself out of bed I realize that it's not actually morning and I slept until three in the afternoon. Oops.

I throw up and drink some water, not being able to stomach food, then I throw all the water up before taking a shower.

I'm back in my bed, shaking violently, probably from low blood sugar or something, when I remember that I don't have to handle this. I have a boyfriend who is desperate to make sure I'm okay.

Kellin: I feel really bad, could you steal Lucy's car and come rescue me?

Vic: I'm on my way, wait outside for me.

I struggle to get out of bed and I don't even bother to change or brush my hair or anything before I stumble out to the front steps.

Vic arrives a couple of minutes later since he lives close by. I can't even get my legs under me before he's at my side.

"Let me help you," He murmurs.


He takes my arm and helps me stand up but suddenly I have a flashback to last night, rough grabbing hands, and I swear someone screams at me. I flinch away from him.

"Fuck," I groan, tired of being sick.

I lean over the bushes in our sad garden and try to throw up, retching repeatedly but my stomach is empty.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" He asks, sounding so concerned that I feel bad.

"You didn't do anything wrong," I say quietly, my throat burning with every word.

"I'm sorry," Vic says as he leads me to the car when I'm finally done.

"It's fine."

I get in and rest my head back, shutting my eyes.

"Are you okay?" Vic asks, putting the car in gear.

"I- I think so."

"Have you been taking care of yourself today? Drinking plenty? Lots of sleep?"

I feel a tear drip down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away.

"No," I whimper.

"Hey, hey Kells, it's okay. Have you been eating or drinking at all?"

Mom (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now