~Kellin pov~
I wake up to my alarm, the quiet pinging sound just loud enough for me to hear it. I don't want to bother my mom with anything louder.

I sit up and immediately feel nauseous. One glance at the floor reveals that I finished a bottle of vodka last night. No wonder I feel terrible, not that being hungover is new for me.

I drag myself to the bathroom where I shower, which burns my broken skin. The bruises that litter my pale skin make me nauseous so I get dressed as fast as possible, hiding my body under jeans and a t-shirt and a thick hoodie. I should probably use bandages or ointment or something, but I can't find the energy to care about my well-being that much.

I slip out of the house as quietly as possible, not putting on my shoes until I'm on the back steps. Anything to keep my mom asleep.

My head is pounding so I start walking to school and get a cigarette out of a pack that I got from my mom. I would say I stole it but she knows that I smoke and doesn't care, she actually buys them for me sometimes. I light up and enjoy the burning I feel in my throat and chest.

I walk slowly because I left myself plenty of time. I try not to focus on my mom or my hangover, instead I think about that new kid. Vic. It's a nice name. He seemed sweet and like he'll fit in with my friend group. I just can't get his smile out of my head. I can't believe his mom is dead. Is he depressed? Mourning?

My cigarette is down to a tiny nub so I flick it aside and light another.

"Hey, Kellin!" A voice shouts from behind me. Well speak of the devil.

I turn and see Vic hurrying to catch up with me. I wonder where his cousin's place is?

"What's up Vic?" I ask, hoping my smoking doesn't bother him. Nick always yells at me when I smoke around him but quitting is out of the question. I need it.

"Not much, just wishing I could have brought my car from back home."

"Why didn't you?"

His smile falters before he fixes it, leading me to believe the whole constantly happy thing is probably an act. I mean who can actually be cheery all the time?

"My dad thought I should leave it for my brother."

I nod and take another drag, letting the smoke fill my lungs and numb me a little.

"Oh, I talked to Lucy, my cousin, and she says I can hang out with you guys after school," He chirps.

"Awesome, it's so much fun. We take over a booth down at Pierce's diner and order junk food until they kick us out."

He laughs, his eyes focusing on the smoke leaving my lips. I'm glad he doesn't say anything about it though, like I previously mentioned, I don't plan on quitting.

We walk in silence until we're basically at the school. It's not a weird silence but it's not totally comfortable. I feel like I have so many questions for him but like so many of them are inappropriate and prying. I should be able to come up with something decent but my brain is clouded with a headache.

"Ugh, I'm sorry for being so quiet, I'm just really hungover," I apologize.

"You are?" He asks, seeming genuinely surprised and a little intrigued. I mean, we are only seventeen and this means that I was drinking on a Monday night.


"Did you go to a party or something?"


"You just drank alone on a school night?"

I know, I know. It's bad. I'm destroying my liver and my lungs and my life. Whatever.

Mom (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now