Chapter 17:one shall fall

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Tina continues to walk with the shade lord and looked at him "what do you want from me!" He smiled "I need YOU" he points at her "you are my enemies child but you are also combined with the darkness of void"  Tina was confused "what do you mean?" The shade smirks then grabs Tina "you will see" Tina tried to break free until the shade lord sticks in a needle "first I do this" He drops Tina to the ground then Tina started to scream in pain as her body changed and started to grow more and more until finally she rose back up but she looked different

Tina continues to walk with the shade lord and looked at him "what do you want from me!" He smiled "I need YOU" he points at her "you are my enemies child but you are also combined with the darkness of void"  Tina was confused "what do you mean?" ...

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Tina looked at herself "w-what happened?!" The shade lord laughs "you see Tina I needed to change a few things a bit and next is those clothes" he smiles as Tina was still adjusting to her new appearance as the shade lord grabbed new clothing

Tina looked at herself "w-what happened?!" The shade lord laughs "you see Tina I needed to change a few things a bit and next is those clothes" he smiles as Tina was still adjusting to her new appearance as the shade lord grabbed new clothing

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(If any can draw Tina wearing this I'll give a HUGE shout out!)

He gave it to her "put it on" Tina sighs as she grabs it and changes into it and looks at him "now,it's time!" He grabs her "hey,put me down!" He stares into her eyes "look into my eyes dear child" she stares back as her cheek slowly cracks

Tiso was throwing a tantrum while trying to break the chains "ARGH,LET ME OUT!!!" Quirrel was worried and concerned but then looks at Pure "what is he going to do with Tina?" Pure looks at Quirrel "m-my father...he is planning...something horrific...he.." Pure chokes a bit by the tears "he...he's going to..t-turn my daughter...into a...m-monster" pure then cries "I a...a father a-and as a husband" Quirrel looks in pity for the vessel "well,I think you didn't fail as a husband nor parent" Pure looks at Quirrel tears rolling down there face "well...I know we just meant but you sacrificed yourself to protect Tina and Radiance" the pure vessel thinks then nods "yes...I did..." Pure thinks "I-I idea" he closes his eyes as tendrils appear out of his back they were cut and ripped along shaking a little out of the pain then Pure tries to stretch to grab Quirrel's nail and is successful "now..." he position it at Quirrel "uuhhh,what are you doing?!" Pure then breaks the chains that held one of Quirrel's hands "t-take the...nail" Quirrel nods and uses his free hand and grabs it "thanks" he cuts the other chains off and jumps to the ground "now then,let's get to business" he releases Pure then Tiso and ghost "Quirrel,leave me,I'm useless I'll only be dead weight" Quirrel looks at Tiso "really?,all because that monster broke your shield?!" He slaps him "OW,what was that for?!?!" Tiso cups his slapped cheek "sorry...but you need to realize that even without your shield your still a really good fighter!,so suck it up and let's go!" He shoves a nail into Tiso's hands "w-well...I never used a nail before" Quirrel shrugs "just pretend it's you shield" Tiso sighs and looks at the nail then nods to himself and joins Quirrel and Pure "ok,what do we do?" Quirrel turns "his trying to open the door" Pure was using the old blade to unlock the door " it" he opens it "well what are we waiting for" Quirrel runs out "we need to find Tina before it to late!"

"Oh's already happening,you can't stop what's destined to happen"

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