Chapter 10:the unkown Beast

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Tina sets up the tents "now all i have to do now is wait" Tina takes out a sewing kit "this can help pass the time" Tina then finds a nearby log and sits on it, until hearing a growl, Tina turns around and walks towards the noise "hello? don't be afraid,I won't hurt you" Tina then looks until she noticed a larg shadow looming over her "AHHHHHHHHHH"

(meanwhile with Quirrel and Ghost)

Quirrel picks up another stick "Tina is really sweet" Quirrel then looks at Ghost "do you agree friend?" Ghost nods "do you think she might like me more then a friend to?" Ghost looks up at Quirrel and shrugs "yeah, me to" silence then fills the air between the two bugs "AHHHHHHHHHH" Quirrel looks up immediately "Tina..."*gasp*"she in danger" Quirrel looks down at Ghost "are you ready silence friend" Ghost nods and dashed towards the area while Quirrel runs from behind. "SOMEONE,HEEEEEELLLLLLPPPP" Ghost appeared and so does Quirrel "TINA!!!" Quirrel looks at the creature "it a nosk" the nosk had Tina with it tail "you put Tina down now beast" Quirrel pounces at the nosk and slashes it *growl* the nosk then slashes back at Quirrel but he dodges it "you can't get me that easily!" Quirrel jumps again at the nosk and hits it on its belly *roar* the nosk backs away as the beast's belly leaks infection,the nosk looks at it injury and growls at Quirrel,the nosk then charges at Quirrel,slashes him on the stomach "argh" Quirrel jumps back and sets on one knee *whence* Ghost then jumps into the air and stabs the nosk on its head *roar* the nosk tosses Ghost and runs away with Tina still held on its tail "AHHHHhhhh" Tina's screams go softer and softer "Tina!" Quirrel tries to get up but fails *whence*"I need to save Tina" Ghost gets up and runs to where the nosk is going but they turn around to face Quirrel and nod,Quirrel at first hesitants until looking back at his injury until nodding back at Ghost.Ghost dashes on the same path the nosk is (thanks to Quirrel for slicing it stomach so Ghost can follow the trial of infection to Tina) Ghost continues to dash until finally finding the nosk "don't touch me!" Tina tries to hit the nosk but the nosk only shakes there head as it ties Tina,Ghost takes out there nail 'stay away from my MOM!' Ghost charges at the nosk stabbing its back *roar* the nosk turns and uses it tail to try and stab Ghost but they dodge all the attacks,Ghost runs around the nosk to make the beast dizzy and it works!Ghost finally finishes it off by noticing a hug rock above,Ghost dashes up and cuts the vines and then the huge rock falls ontop of the nosk,killing it "Ghost,can you help me get down?!" Ghost climbs up and gets Tina out of the cocoon "thanks Ghost" Tina leans down and hugs Ghost "we should get back and wait a minute" Ghost tilts there head "where's Quirrel?" Ghost realizes to and takes Tina hand and runs

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

Tina and Ghost arrive back and see Quirrel injured *gasp"oh my goodness Quirrel!" Tina rushes to Quirrel's ad "Tina"*whence*"your okay" Tina looks at Quirrel "don't worry about me,look at you" Tina looks at Ghost "Ghost,can you help take Quirrel to my tent?" Ghost nods and rushes to Quirrel's side "be careful okay" Ghost and Tina both lift Quirrel at the same time and take him to Tina's tent "there" Tina and Ghost sent Quirrel down on a bed "Ghost go get me the first ad kit out of my bag" Ghost nods and runs to the bag "Tina,there something I need to tell you" Tina looks back at Quirrel "not right now,maybe later but not now" Tina looks down to see Ghost "ah,thank you Ghost" Tina takes the kit and takes out some bandages and some pain reliever "I think this should help to ease the pain and clean the wound" Tina then pours some of it on a rage and places it on Quirrel's injury *whence* Tina looks at Quirrel "sorry Quirrel it ganna take a moment" after it was done Tina took off the rage and places the bandages on the injury "there,all you have to do now is let time do the rest" Tina looks at Quirrel and smiles "Tina i need to tell you something and it's important" "hold on Quirrel" Tina feels pulling on her dress,it was a very tired Ghost "awww,your tired honey" Ghost nods "okay,let me take you to your tent" Tina walks out of the tent *groans*"why does she do that!?" Quirrel sighs "I'll just try again when she comes back"

(Meanwhile with Tina and Ghost)

Tina carries Ghost into there cute small tent and places them into there sleeping bag "there you go" Tina smiles softly at Ghost as they hold the soft stuff bunny but before Tina left Ghost touch Tina's hand "huh,what is it sweetie?" Ghost then gestures a 'kiss' by touching where there mouth is at and touches there forehead "oh,you want me to give you a kiss?" Ghost nods "okay" Tina leans in and gently places a kiss on there forehead "goodnight Ghost" Tina gets up and before she left she looked back at the now sleeping Ghost "that really is cute" Tina then finally leaves the tent and returns to Quirrel "hey Quirrel,just ganna let you know where sharing this tent" Quirrel nods "can I now ask you the question?" Tina looks at Quirrel "of course you can,what is it?" Quirrel takes in a deep breath and finally says "I....I love you Tina" Quirrel face starts to turn red " love me" Tina starts to blush "yes,I had loved you ever sense I first saw you,you are the most beautiful,kind,loyal,bug I have ever fallen for,I thought you weren't meant for me due to those traits but here I am telling you how much I love you" Tina's eyes widen "I thought you just liked me as a friend?" Quirrel shakes his head "no,Tina I love you more then a friend" Tina hesitates "Quirrel...." Quirrel looks deeply into Tina's eyes "yes?" Tina opens her mouth yet nothing comes out "I love you to" Quirrel leans to Tina,there faces so close "then show me" they kiss,Tina and Quirrel once where friends now lovers.

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