Chapter 12:old faces and new

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The three reach the in the forgotten Crossroads and jump off the stag "okay,all we do now is walk to the resting grounds" Tina takes out her map "okay,this is ganna take awhile" Quirrel faces her "now you say that" Tina glares at him "really,you used my own trick against me!" Quirrel laughs "maybe I did maybe I didn't" Tina shakes her head along with a giggle "see,I know it'll be funny" the three walk for awhile until Quirrel bumps into someone "hey,watch it!" Quirrel looks at them "s-sorry,I didn't see where I was going" they turn around "yeah you" Tina's eyes wiben "Tiso!" Tiso looks at Tina " it really you!" Tina hugs Tiso "Tiso what happened to you man!" Tiso puts his shield back "this is very unexpected" Tina nods "Tiso,who are you talking to?" Tiso,Tina and Quirrel look to a bee

"Oh,it just a old friend hun!" The bee looks at Tina "hello, I'm Dian,Tiso's mate" Tina looks at Tiso "woah, who knew you could get a girl" she then laughs "ha,ha,very funny Tina but that's coming from someone who never dated in there whole life" ...

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"Oh,it just a old friend hun!" The bee looks at Tina "hello, I'm Dian,Tiso's mate" Tina looks at Tiso "woah, who knew you could get a girl" she then laughs "ha,ha,very funny Tina but that's coming from someone who never dated in there whole life" Tina stops laughing and turns red from embarrassment "yeah, I got you!" Tina punches his arm "jerk" Quirrel looks at Tiso "actually,I'm her mate" Tiso looks at Quirrel "called it, I know you would pick a nerd" Quirrel glares at him "excuse me" Tiso shrugs "sorry but you kinda are one" Quirrel looks at Tina "how do you tolerate this guy?" Tina just shrugs "okay...but that's a little rude" Tiso tilts his head "so" Quirrel scoffs "so,it's rude!" Tina takes Quirrel's hand "okay where ganna go" Dian stops them "wait,how about y'all two come with use to the pleasure house" Quirrel face turns red "sure, my skin is dry" Ghost jumps up and down "oh, is that your kid?" Tina shakes her head "no,there with us,until we find there bio parents" Tiso nods "makes sense to me" Dian takes Tiso hand "now, let's go to the pleasure house" Tina nods "let's go!" The two females run forward with the little vessel running behind them as the two males walk behind, Tiso looks at Quirrel "wemon, am I right?" Quirrel thinks "depends on there personality" Tiso nods in agreement and then follow there mates. As they reach the pleasure house, Tina runs in, so does Dian and Ghost "hey, wait up for us!" Tiso yells from behind, Quirrel looks back forward and walks in 'good thing this place is empty' Quirrel looks around the area "hello travelers" Quirrel and Tiso turn to a young beautiful butterfly

"My name is Marissa" Quirrel and Tiso look at each other before looking at her again "have you seen a bee, a moth and a vessel around here?" Quirrel question the butterfly "yes, I was just talking to them, they ran to the hot spring,very sweet you...

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"My name is Marissa" Quirrel and Tiso look at each other before looking at her again "have you seen a bee, a moth and a vessel around here?" Quirrel question the butterfly "yes, I was just talking to them, they ran to the hot spring,very sweet young ladys and that little vessel is such a dear" Quirrel nods "thank you, it was a pleasure to meet you, Marissa" the two males walk to the direction of the hot spring. The two males arrived and see the two young ladys and little vessel relaxing in the hot spring, talking to each other about everyday things "wow" Tiso looks at Quirrel "you never bathed with your mate?" Quirrel shakes his head "ha, I'm ahead of you then" Tiso takes off his clothes and gets in the hot spring and swims to Dian "your highness~" Dian blushes "Tiso stop" the bee then splashes water at him "hey!" Tiso uses his hands to cover the water "let's go over there for more privacy~" Dian giggles and takes Tiso's hand and the two get out and go to the other hot spring nearby "if you wanna make a move on Tina, this is your chance" Quirrel looks at Tiso but covers his face from Dian, after all he's polite, Quirrel looks back forward and stares at Tina a few seconds before getting in the water and swimming to Tina "heh, this is new?" Tina giggles "yeah, it is and it feels good!" Tina sinks in the water, all expect her head "you know, I'm actually very happy that your my mate" Tina goes back up and looks at Quirrel "you are?" Quirrel looks at Tina and takes her hands "Tina I love you and if I didn't, would have I said, I love you and I'll say that to you everyday and if that doesn't work I'll hug you and kiss you then and try to spend every second with you" Tina smiles at Quirrel "Quirrel,I...I don't know what to say" Quirrel cups Tina's cheek "well actions speak louder then words, trust me I know" Tina takes Quirrel hand and they two lovers kiss until a little pat was felt on Tina's back "huh, oh...hey Ghost" Tina picks up Ghost as the small vessel tilts there head unknowing of what they are doing "um....this is awkward" Tina laughs "w-what is it something I said?!" Tina kisses Quirrel's cheek "you're silly" Quirrel smiles "thanks"


Tina,Ghost and Quirrel put there clothes back on "that was really nice" Quirrel looks at Tina "it really was" Ghost waddles up to Tina and hugs her leg "aww, well are you a sweetheart" Tina pats the vessel's head "heh, it makes me wonder" Tina looks at him "really?" He nods "yes,I never seen any hybrids before" Tina nods "that's very interesting" Quirrel nods as well "we...we should get going now" Tina smlies "yeah, wait where are Tiso and Dian?" They turn to the bee who carrying the poor ant "what happened" Dian looks at the two bugs "told him that me and him should should do our first kiss and he freak out of the thought of it then he passed out" Tina laughs "oh man, poor Tiso, well hope you two are ganna be ok!" Dian smiles "oh, we will" Tina and Dian hug each other and wish each other good luck and go on with there separate ways.

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