Chapter 16:Arrivel

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Quirrel nods and picks up Tina bridle style as he carries her to Radiance's room as Radiance guided him to it and Ghost follows worried about his mom "Ghost your ganna have to stay here,ok?" Quirrel looks down at them,they nod "good" he rushed into the room and gently places Tina on the bed "just keep breathing,Tina" Tina nods as sweat drips down her face "ARGH,AHH" Quirrel cups her cheek and she faces him "Tina,breath,can you do that for me?" Tina nods as she breaths in and out "yeah that's right deep breaths" Radiance goes to the end of the bed "ok,I need a bucket of warm water,some blankets" Dian nods and looks at Tiso "you go grab the warm water ok?" Tiso looks at her "ok!" Radiance looks at Ghost "and you go find diapers,you know what they look like?"  Ghost nods as they run out "and they are in the cabinet in the kitchen!" a guard leads them to the kitchen "AHHH!" Tina grabbed Quirrel's hand and he flinched a bit before looking back at her "your ganna be ok Tina,I'm here for you" she nods "ok,Tina I want you to take a deep breath and when I count to 3 you push,ok?" Tina nods as her body shake,it was the worst pain she had ever felt WAY worse then when you run out of toilet paper "ok,1,2,3,PUSH!!" Tina's grip on Quirrel's hand tighting as she pushed "AHHHHH" she keep going as tears stream down her face from the pain "you got this Tina!" Quirrel held on her hand even if he can feel that she might have broke it but he kept his grip,she was still pushing until *cries* she collapsed on the pillow and she smiled until the pain came back "argh!" Radiance held the child until looking at Tina "looks like we're not done yet" she hands the baby to Quirrel and gets back to work,then another child is born then another "I think that the last one" Tina sighed,she can finally rest from all the pain "aww,look at them,there so cute" Radiance smiled at her grandchildren,one look liked almost exactly like Quirrel but they had two horns on there head and had a black like color on there tummy,the second one look like Tina but they had Quirrel's antennas and then the runt of the two,they had Quirrel's antennas and tummy and they had Tina's shell and a black like color on the back and a white heart on there little tummy "there beautiful" he smiled at his children "the one that looks like you and the other that looks like Tina are boys and the last one Is a girl" Quirrel smiled "well the boys shall be Mono and Quill" he looks at the baby girl that is now wrapped in a pink blanket like the other two "I think Tina should pick a name for her" Radiance nods "good choice" she smiled as she sits down "good job Tina" Tina smiled a little she is REAL tired after what she just went through but she had enough energy to look at her babies "Lily" Quirrel looks at his mate "what did you say sweetie?" "Lily well be her name" Quirrel nods "ok,Lily it is" he smiled at his bundled up babies then he handed one to Tina so she could hold it "hi there sweetie I'm your mommy" she smiled at her newborn who only giggles,Ghost sits on the bed as well and Quirrel teaches them how to hold the baby properly "we should have kids" Tiso looks at Dian "over my dead body,I am NOT going through 9 months of toucher to only go through MORE of it!" Tiso looks at her with puppy dog eyes "please?" She sighed "ok,one,that's it!" He smiled as he hugs his mate "I'm going to regret this decision" she mumbled to herself

Something was watching them from the shadows then they disappeared into the darkness

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