Chapter 18:The Final Battle

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Tina arch her back in pain as some of her shell cracked showing some of the void mixed with the light

Tina arch her back in pain as some of her shell cracked showing some of the void mixed with the light

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(I used a reference drawing that is made by divineretribution24 !)

"AHHHHHHHH" tears streamed down her face "It hurts,yes but it will show your true strength and ability" Tina soon collapse due to the pain

Tina's POV

"Argh,my head" I raised my hand to reach but as I glide my hand across my head I felt about 3? 7? Cracks on my face "w-what happened to me?" I raised up from a bed that had dark purple and black covers "where am I?" I jumped off  the bed "where's is..." "How was your sleep?" Tina turns "you!" I jumped at him but he grabbed my fist "you need to save your energy for training"
He lets go of my fist as I look to the ground "I hate you" he looks into my eyes "you'll learn to love you grandpa" I wanted to punch him but it was part of the deal that I would help him so "ok,what training?" The shade lord thinks "follow me" I nod and walk beside him "it nothing to serious,just a few steps" I turns to him "few steps?" He opens a door leading to a training field "here is where you shall train" I sigh "I hope there ok..." I asked myself

3rd POV

Quirrel was leading the group he wasn't only angered that he couldn't fully protect his lover,he was angered by that MONSTER taking her away from him "hey Quirrel?,you walking way to fast!" Tiso shouts "oh sorry" he starts to walk slower for Tiso and Pure to catch up "I-it's ok I-it has b-been so l-long I...I don't r-remember to wa-walk very w-well" Pure says sadly Quirrel turns to the old vessel "don't worry,it nothing bad" Ghost walked beside them
Hoping there mama ok "don't worry ghost,mama is going to be ok" Quirrel pats the vessel head "I hope...."


Tina was now under the control of the shade lord and was practicing how to use her nail and was doing really well "yes,there we go,now slice that dummy" the shade lord points to a stitch up dummy and Tina pounces at it showing no mercy and continues to stab it "yes,yes,YES,just like that!"
Tina turns and bows her head "is there anything els we need to learn grandfather?" The beast shakes his head "no,you are ready and first thing I need you to do is get me my grandchildren" Tina nods and turns away and two large black dragon fly like wings appear that had swirls on them and flew away to her home

*time skip because I'm lazy*

Dina walked out of the room,the triplets were asleep peacefully,she closes the door and Tina was standing behind her "AH-wait....Tina?" She looks at Tina "yes it's me" Tina was covering her face with her cloak "where's Quirrel,Tiso and Ghost?" Tina moves past her "there safe,I just need my kids" Dina gets in front of her "I don't think so,until you explain what's going on!" Tina sighs "Dina you wouldn't understand..." Dina growls "Tina what are-" Tina knocks out Dina "sorry but it had to be done" she steps over Dina and opens the door to her kids room "mommy home~" she walks over to her sleeping babies,a part of her was screaming to stop it but she pick each one up and flew back to the void kingdom with the infants "here they are grandfather" she hands them to The shade lord " great great grandchildren,look at them,soon to be fearless destroyers just like you Tina" he looks at each one until he got to the was Lilly "oh,Tina...I'm sorry to tell you this but,I don't think this one will make it" he gestured to the infant "I'm afraid the best is do I say it....dispose of it" Tina eyes widen and she shakes "d-dispose...." The shade lord nods "I'm afraid so....she to small and won't make it" Tina was about to say something until Quirrel burst open the door "YOU!" Quirrel points at the shade lord "strange I thought I took care of them,I guess we all can't get what we want,Tina you take care of what I ask you and I handle this" he summons some shade knights and Pure jolts upward and dodges the attack then slices the knight,Tiso was doing his best attacking the shade knights and Quirrel was angry and was trying to get to the shade lord killing the shade knights in his path "LET.MY.MATE.GO!!!" He jumps at the shade lord but he wraps him in his tendrils and slams him into the ground "ENOUGH!" He summons more and grabs Tiso and Pure to "DISPOSE THE INFANT FIRST TINA THEN KILL THIS THREE!" Tina nods and raises her blade above Lilly "TINA!!!" Quirrel screams "DONT DO THIS!!!!" Tina rises the blade high "I must listen..." don't do it "it needs to be done" does it? "....yes" why? "She's weak,she'll won't make it anyway!" But she loves you and you and Quirrel do to "I....I..." Tina screams and slams her blade down "NOOOOO!!!!" Quirrel screams as tears come down his face but the blade didn't hit the infant it hit the ground instead "I-I can't do it,she's my baby!" Tina picks up her three babies "they all are!" The shade lord turns "you DARE disobey me!" He turns to her "I won't do it!" She looks at the shade lord and points her nail at him while setting the babies down in there basket "but I'll dispose you!" She jumps at the monster and stabs one of his eyes "YOU BRATE!!!!" He grabs her arm and rips it off "AHHH!" Tina falls to the ground bleeding "TINA!!!" Pure breaks free and jumps at the beast ending it with a blow in the chest killing him "YOU DONT HURT MY FAMILY!!!,NO ONE HURTS MU FAMILY!!!!!" The beast screams in pain before falling off the edge of the building dragging Pure down with him "DAD!!!" Pure turns "Tina....I love you....sugarplum" he smiles falling down "NOOOOO!!!!" Tina runs to the edge as Quirrel runs to her "Tina!" He looks at her "I'm sorry" Tina starts crying hugging Quirrel but then someone flies upward and lands on the railing "that hurt....a-a lot" it was Pure "dad!!!" She hugs him "hey sweetie" he hugs her "I thought you died?" He shakes his head "nope,it's going to take more to kill this old vessel!" Quirrel looks at him "you're talking in full sentences!" Pure realized "I-I am,huh" he looks down at his daughter "I'm sorry" Tina looks up at him "don't be,you are the greatest" Pure smiles and hugs his daughter then Quirrel join the huge leavening Tiso standing like a idiot "come here Tiso" Pure suggested " I'm goo-AGH!" Pure grabs him and pulls him into the huge,Tiso slowly hugs the three back and smiles "t-this is nice"

The four heroes return home,Tina explains what happened to Dina who only sighs and let it slide for now. Pure and radiance where happily together again,now living the rest of there lives in peace with light and dark. Quirrel purposes to Tina and they get married. Tiso and Dina get married to and of course Tiso becomes the 'strongest king' and having a son named Vio who looks like a ant like Tiso but she has bee wings and second pair of arms along with a fluffy neck and big blue eyes. Ghost finds his actual parents who where the pale king and while lady and is happy to have two families now!

The end

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