Kacchako // Sparring pt. 2

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Uraraka's POV

He just left... I don't get it, why is he keep comparing him self to Deku? What was even that last part 'What does he have that I don't?' why does he care about my opinion on him?

After a few seconds of thinking, something clicked. It can't be! I know that there are rumors around school saying he likes me but no way they are true... right?

I have to ask him my self. I need to talk to him anyways so, I'll just go to his room around 6 or 7pm. My face started to burn, oh boy.

I went back to the dorms, and it just became 12 pm. When I arrived of course, everyone but Bakugo was here. "Ah! Hey Ochaco, girl you're drenched in sweat. Was Bakugo that rough on you?" Mina rushed over. "N-no he was fine but... have you seen him?" 

"Actually yeah, he went to the showers and came out a minute or two ago. Although he was so strange, I could see a bit of pink on the tip of his ears and he looked really flustered. Did something happen between the two of you?" She asked out of concern. "No, there wasn't anything, but thanks for telling me." I waved my hand and headed to take a shower my self.

I can't belive the rumors are true. B-but I can't confess to him, it just seems way to early... I don't know much about him too. At least I should make it up to him or apologize. I have the whole day to gather up the currage. This will also be the first time I will be going inside his room too. He only let's Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Mina... bearly. Now I'm actually kind of curious.

After I took a shower I went to my room and was on my phone. There wasn't anything, I was just browsing online the calm down my nerves. Why is it so hard to just walk up and talk to him? I felt like I needed to find the right time to speak to him. Ya know, when he's not angry and doesn't want to blow up something. I just spent the rest of my Sunday with the girls, talking about movies and other random stuff. 

Around seven pm I went to talk to him. I was in the common room with the girls and left, "Ochaco, where are you heading?" Tsu called me. "Oh, I need to talk to someone, this hopefully won't take too long though." I said, and headed to the left wing aka the boys side of the dorms. 

Bakugo's POV

After I left Uraraka, I took a shower and stayed in my room studying for hours, than chilling on my phone for a while. Damn Racoon Eyes noticed me while I was entering the dorms. Fuck... fuck, fuck, fuck! 

I fuckin' ruined everything huh! She's just going to avoid me, until I fix this bullshit. I layed on my bed, just staring at the celling. Damn this feeling, why can't I get rid of it? I checked the time and it was seven pm. No way am I spending time with those extras in the common room, I'd rather stay here. 

*Knock knock*

I heard soft and light knocks on my door. Why the fuck is someone visiting me at this time? "Who the hell is it?" I asked. "U-uhm it's me... Ochaco. Do you mind if I come in?" I got up from my bed, and opened the door. What the hell do I even say, so things aren't weird anymore. 

"What is it?" I asked her. But she didn't respond, she was all red. "What is it with you today round face?" I bent down to her level. She just kept looking at my chest- oh, right I'm not wearing a shirt. 

"Just get in, I'll put something on." She nodded, and hesitantly walked in. She sat on my bed and looked around my room. I opened my closet to find a shirt as she started to talk, "Nice place you got, Bakugo." I lightly huffed.

"I'm assuming you didn't come here just to compliment my room." I told her as I put my black tank top on. "No... I just want to settle things with you." I glanced at her.

"Look, I know you hate Deku and I'm sorry I braught him up while training." She stopped there. So she finally realized why I don't want to hear that name, "I just don't get why though." Wait she's not done?!

"You two were childhood friends, and apperantly got along. He was by your side, but I heard from him... it was because he got his quirk late. But that still doesn't justify your actions, what's the point of that now? He want's to be friends with you, but I don't know what's going through your mind and I won't ask either. But after our training today, you left seeming rather flustered and I was worried, even Ashi-" 

I have no idea what I was doing, like I wasn't in control of my own body and pinned her on my bed. Uraraka let out a small whimper once she hit the hard mattress. "Bakugo... what are you doing...?" My grip on her wrists tightened, and she let out another whimper, "B-Bakugo you're scaring me..." 

"Tell me," I said, and her gaze was locked on mine. "You like that idiot don't you?" Her brown eyes widdened, "I-" I cut her off by a few of my tears falling on her pink cheeks. "Tell me the truth!" I shouted. "I don't know okay!"

After that, my grip lossened around her wrists. There was a bit of silence between us. "Hey, Bakugo." She grabbed my attention, "Are the rumors true?... You like me right?" Didn't expect her to ask me that. Don't tell me that was the question she was going to ask me all along. 

I looked away, "True or not I don't plan on having a girlfriend until I graduate. I'm new to this whole feeling, I can't chuck it out the window like the rest." 

"Wait so you do..." I sighed, "Yes the fuckin rumors are true. I like you, got a problem?" 

"You know," Uraraka continued "I'm also, kinda of new to this as well, and neither did I plan on confessing to anyone because I need to become a hero as well." I got off Uraraka, "Why not go out and have some fun next weekend. A few days after the test. That is if we pass of course."

"Who the hell do you think you're paired with, of course we're going to pass that damn exam." She started laughing. "You ain't takin this serious right!? Listen here pink cheeks we're sparring again tomorow!" She couldn't contain her laughter and started to ball out even more, "Can't wait to beat you than!" She told me, "Bring it on Uraraka." 

After that whole thing she got up and was ready to leave, "I don't want Mister Aizawa getting mad so I should go back to my dorm." I nodded and she got up, "Oh and... sorry... about today and now." I mumbled, yet she could still hear me, her lips formed a smile and I just can't take this fluffy bullshit sometimes, "A-and you better wake up early tomorow, Uraraka!" I ordered her. "You betch ya." she gave a thumbs up.

She opened the door, "Also Bakugo," she paused "you look cute while smiling." and she shut my door leaving me in a state with my cheeks pink and more vibrant than her's.



Chapter Status: Slightly Unedited

K so before you all kill me for two reasons; One for not updating for a while and two the way how Bakugo was shit talking Deku. I don't hate Deku, he is a pure cinnamon bun and must protecc, I still love him. 

I also haven't been updating for a while because I was trying to come up with stuff for my other books and this one as well. I had to take a small break from writing. 

Requests are also open, heck my next chapter will be a request from a friend, it is going to be and Ever After High AU and maybe later on a Monster High AU.

Hope you all enjoyed, Imma head out cause my mom want's me to get off of my computer XD.


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