Kacchako // First but Last?

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I am aware that I skipped the first day. That is because I had a math and history test to study for. I got a sixty five on math and a 75 on history, someone give me a pat on the back, I hardly studied.

Also I had no idea what I should write for the first one, but never the less I'll try n write something for it at the end of this prompt. Hopefuly. Anyways, enjoy my dudes.

No I did not revise this chapter.


Every day for the two was filled with smiles and joy. Yes, there would be moments where things went wrong. Maybe a low score on a test. Maybe hero training wasn't going well. Or maybe it was something personal, who knows. But the two would always be there for each other. Always.

So why is it now that he couldn't protect her at this very moment..?

Bakugo Katsuki and Uraraka Ochako have been dating since the beginning of their second year, and the end of their third year was in four months. None of them spilled anything about their relationship. Bakugo never said anything to Kirishima, nor did Uraraka say anything to Tsuyu. Their two best friends, knew nothing.

They don't know how or why these feelings started, maybe it was the sports festival, maybe it was some random day at school where they coincidentally got paired up for a project, maybe- it didn't really matter how. They loved each other and that was enough.

Right now they were in the end of a fight against a villain, or so it seemed like it. Their agencies teamed up that day, Ryukyu agency and Jeanist agency with their students. It took place near an old abandoned train station as night was nearing its fall.

Ryukyu and Jeanist were dealing with the attack that took place at one end of the train station, as Bakugo, Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui were fighting at the other end. Both teams one kilometer away.

The three were third years, they could handle themselves.

"That's the last of em..." Bakugo huffed, tired. He got up and faced the other two.

"I'll go check around to see if there are any more hiding." Asui said as she leaped on top of tall tree, scouting.

Uraraka walked up to Bakugo, expecting praise. "Well. How'd I do this time explosion murder?" She enjoyed calling him that to tease him. Looking back on it, Bakugo cringed at the name he chose during his first year.

"Yeah yeah, you did well angel face." Bakugo propped his hands on his waist. She smiled. "I got stronger didn't I?"

"Course' you did. Now what else do ya want, a pat on the back?"

"A kiss." She smirked now. Moving her eye brows up and down, suggestively. It was a joke, clearly it was. One thing for sure though, neither of them kissed each other once. Maybe it was embarrassment, or maybe it was shyness. Dating for almost two years and not even once did they get intimate. They didn't even hold hands until they were a month in.

"Later angel face." His ears got red, and pat the girl on the head.

She continued to smile sweetly, until she noticed something. Her reflexes moved fast, and she shoved Bakugo away, "Look out!" she yelled and floated herself, now flying. Something, no... someone flew after her, gripping her hands tightly and tried sending her flying to the ground.

Uraraka fought back though, using all her stamina and strength against him. "Wow! You have such fast reflexes since the last time we fought Ochako!" She used her quirk on the villain and separated him from her.

Kacchako One Shots (Bakugo x Uraraka)Where stories live. Discover now