Kacchako // Desserts

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This is short, and has fluff, so enjoy!

I think this is my first fluff. I only remember writing lime a few times.

Chapter Status: Slightly unedited.

Bakugo and Uraraka are pro heroes, and they are engaged! It's been around two months, since they proposed. The both of them proposed at the same time, what a coincidence. Both of their parents were happy for them and would support the two of their relationship.

Uraraka was home, plaining for the wedding. "Hmm, I'm not sure if I should invite Todoroki and Deku... they are together but, would Katsuki really be okay with that?"

A/N: Just to be clear. I'm not a huge fan of the TodoDeku ship. I really don't like it, but I understand why people do and I totally respect that. The side ship was an easter egg for a friend of mine since she likes this ship.

Uraraka was worried to invite them because of all the shenanigans that happened back in school, "Oh what the heck. If Kirishima and Mina are coming, so should they!" she wrote their name in the guest list.

After sometime writing the guest list, the door opened, "Hey Angel-face." Uraraka's soon to be husband entered the house. "Katsuki? I thought you wouldn't be home by 10 pm, you're three hours early." Bakugo shrugged, "Everyone at the agency went early since the boss had other things to do." Uraraka looked back at the list. "That's good then."

A bag was thrown on the coffee table in front of her. "Got you your favorite." Bakugo stated. Ochaco opened the bag and her eyes were filled with sparkles, "Mochi!" She looked at her fiancé and he had a smirk that said, 'I knew you would like it'.

She took one and started eating it, "Mmmhh" She let out. "What's this?" Bakugo looked at the invitations on the coffee table. "The guest list for our wedding." Uraraka said with her mouth full. "Don't talk while eating." Uraraka ignored Bakugo and continued to enjoy her Mochi.

"Raccoon eyes, Shitty hair, Deku, Icy-hot, Dumb face, soy sauce face-" Bakugo started counting the guests.

"Why you gotta give them nick names like that?" Uraraka asked. "Cause' it resembles them." Bakugo took a red colored Mochi.

"Where did you get this from, it's so good" Uraraka asked, basically forgetting about the wedding preparations.

Urarka finished eating hers and left the rest for later. "I'll tell you where I got it from, if you guess what flavor the one I am eating is." Bakugo made it a challenge for her.

"Hmm, Apple?" She tried guessing.

"Nah." Bakugo said, and took another bite from the red colored Mochi.

"Strawberry?" She tried again.

"Last chance, Ochaco." He warned her.

Ochaco had two flavors in her mind, but it was a gamble. She was determined to know where he got these from. She would go there every day, or with a friend. Mochi is her favorite after all.

"Uhh, can I have a hint?" The girl asked.

"Sure you can." Bakugo said.

Uraraka gave him a closed eyed smile. "Thank you Katsuki. So what is i-"

Uraraka was cut off by Bakugo with a kiss. Her eyes shot open when she felt his warm lips on her own.

Bakugo pulled away, with a smirk plastered on his face. "Good enough of a hint?" He asked.

"U-uhm, r-red velvet?" Uraraka answered. Her face was as red as the Mochi, Bakugo was eating.

"Wanna try it again?" He got a bit closer.

"I-I'm fine." Uraraka said embarrassed.

"Hold on, was I correct?" Uraraka asked. Bakugo nodded.

"Yay! So where's the shop?"
She asked.

"Right across the street." Bakugo said, as he got up and left. "I'm going to take a shower." Was the last thing he said, and disappeared. He got away with that kiss and was proud.

". . ."


Kacchako One Shots (Bakugo x Uraraka)Where stories live. Discover now