Kacchako // Nightmare

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Now THIS is a request from @AllisonTart thank you so so much my dude! I like how it actually turned out. Some things may feel a bit pale, but this chapter is an okidokie for me.

They actually had two ideas- one being this and the other was a hospital attack, you guys probably saw the request two chapters ago, however my dumbass couldn't come up with anything, (Despite really liking horror movies, especially when it takes place in a hospital. Can't wait for chapter 4 of Dark Deception UwU) so I asked them if I could do this one instead, and my god I was greatful when my dude was okay with it.

Long story short, I'm an idiot XD. Requests are still wide open, and don't worry about it if you think that I might not be able to come up with anything. My winter break is actually just starting, my exams ended TODAY, so I have three weeks to write. The governmnet decided to extend it to three weeks so we can study more- HAHA jokes on them I'm home schooled.

Before we get on with the story, all you need to know is that both Ochako and Katsuki are pro heroes, and they are married. See the end for more notes. Enjoy my dudes! (If you want, ain't no one forcing you.)


Ochako was home, on a break from hero work for the week. She was only two days in, and the second day of her break would end in around six hours. Katsuki, on the other end was in the middle of stopping a bunch of thugs trying to rob a convenience store. It was all on the news, being broadcasted, as Ochako watched knowing that her husband would take those petty thugs down.

It ended very fast. With the help of Deku and Shoto of course. News reporters and journalists swarmed the three pros as the criminals were being taken in custody by the police. Deku handled the reporters with ease, as Shoto was confused most of the time. Katsuki on the other hand just seemed straight up angry. Of course he did, he's always like that with reporters. Though at U.A. students were thought how to deal with the press, so Katsuki has... significantly gotten better.

After that whole fiasco, all three pro heroes went back to their agencies and the live broadcast ended as well. Ochako flopped on top of the couch, I'm hungry but I don't wanna get up. So she just stood there contemplating whether or not to stay on the couch or eat. Around twenty minutes later her phone buzzed a couple of times.

Ochako groaned and check to see her messages. It was from Katsuki:

Hey cheeks, I'm gonna be late tonight so don't bother waiting for me late at night.

The girl pouted. He always came home late for the past month. But there was nothing she could do. Her husband would be tired anyways. All she could do was watch TV until the day ended and just sleep, she thought. That sounded stupid though, so she got up and decided to make some food for Katsuki and also get a bath ready for him as well.

Food took around two hours and the bath also took some time as well, and it was around nine pm now. Honestly it wasn't that late for her but the girl wanted to go to bed either way. She left a note for Katsuki, letting him know about what she did. Look at her being a caring wife!

The girl brushed her teeth and went under the grey and white covers of the double bed she shared with Katsuki. She didn't have much on her mind, if not anything, but she also wasn't too sleepy, so it took her around an hour to fall asleep.

Ochako opened her eyes waking up in the same bedroom as she heard a ping from her phone. It was Todoroki:

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