The Todoroki Family // Ever After High x Fantasy AU

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Uhm- Hi? Thank you for 4K like- WHAT!? How, did this even happen? I'm sorry, if you have witnessed my terrible writing... so imma just keep doing what I gotta do?

Nah I'm just playin. Thank you guys so much, my dudes! We could have gone to Six Flags by the time I reached 4K, give your selves a pat on the back. But for real, I have no idea how to say thank you. SO I FINALLY WROTE THE CHAPTER I HAVEN BEEN WANTING TO FOR 2 MONTHS, LIKE GOD DAMN DAS LONG!

This is a pretty long chapter too, so I suggets to get some snacks.

Loooooooooooooooove you.


It was raining heavily, as the thunder shook many students. Many were at the halls near their lockers, scared about the new student coming. Well, actually an old student coming back, after they got sent away for a while. "I heard that he once tried to kill Shoto for the throne..." One student whispered to their friend. "I heard that he uses dark magic, and more powerful than Uraraka's power." They whispered back.

Midoriya closed his locker as Iida and Uraraka stood next to him. "I'm really worried for Shoto. Does he even know that uhh... you know who, is finally coming back here?" Iida and Uraraka nodded no. "But he's going to find out anyways. Plus people are talking about him too, how he cannot know by now."

Iida chopped the air with his arm as his armor clashed a bit making some noise, "Uraraka is right. However, we should aid our friend with the up most positivity if anything goes wrong with him and his brother."

"Hey guys." Shoto walked up to his friends. "Ah, Shoto how are you?" The brunette asked. "Fine... so, what are you guys talking about-?"

"Me!" A familiar voice breached in the school as a figure stood at the entrance. Students hid or ran away from said person, out of fear.

"It's Dabi!" Uraraka yelled out, pointing towards his direction. Toya Todoroki, (Dabi, is what he rather go by) walked up to Shoto. He was the oldest quadruplet in the Todoroki family, (The least responsible one too.) Then came Fuyumi, and then Natsuo and last but not least Shoto. "Peh- you still haven't changed one bit huh, little bro?" Toya looked down on Shoto. "I thought I smelt someone burnt like bacon..." Shoto glared back. "Please, you can't even-"

"Oh cut it out you two!" a feminine voice broke the two of their argument. Fuyumi, the only female in the family held back Toya as Natsuo did with Shoto. "You two better get along and act nicer. Dad said that he'll be coming to check on you two, next week." Fuyumi put her hands on her hips, glaring at her oldest brother. "Why are you looking at me, it's his fault I got sent away!"

"You committed arson dumbass!" Shoto screamed back. "Only because you weren't listening!" Toya and Shoto continued to argue as Fuyumi dragged her older brother and Natsuo dragged his younger brother. Yet they still continued to scream at each other.

Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka went to their friend to comfort him. Yes, Toya was sent away because of Shoto, but it is a very LONG story.

"Listen lil Sho." Natsuo was very stern with his younger brother. "We can't let dad down again or else the four of us are done for." . . . "To be honest, you've said that before and we're all still here."

"Yeah but things are different now. You are being crowned king once you graduate, not him. You want to be king too, so act like one." Shoto sighed and there was silence between the two brothers, "Look... I know you don't want to be like him, but for Toya's sake let's try to be better alright?"

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