1 ★Beginning

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Young-mi sat near the window, admiring the beautiful scenery in the sky. She gazed upon the stars while having troubled thoughts. She was having a hard time thinking about her big sister's wedding engagement. The two were quite close and thinking about it makes her feel off, for it'd mean they won't see each other often.

She recalled the times when they purposely opened the dog cages in order to make those, plastic friends of their mother scram.

Just thinking about it made her chuckle, but her mood vanished when somebody opened the door rapidly.

"What is the meaning of this!?"

Her father barged in while handing her a phone. Before she could answer, he started drowning her with questions.

He recently saw Young-mi's post in the internet selling clothes. Unlike the other girls, she was different than most of them. She intends to earn her own money when she can easily be spoiled in a snap!

Her father would always scold her for doing such ridiculous actions.

"Don't tell me you haven't touched the card we gave you on your birthday".

She knew from the start that this would happen. She even gave effort on writing a speech just for this moment! Thankfully, she didn't waste her time...

"I'll use it for school and it's just online selling, what's wrong with it?" She replied in a sarcastic tone.

Not hearing an answer, she simply changed the topic by sitting him on a chair while handing him a cup of tea. He was about to talk but the annoyed Young-mi stuffed his mouth with bread causing him to swallow it all at once. She let out the laugh she was holding in, but was startled when her dad gave a vicious glare.

She smiled nervously and started massaging his back as a sign of apologizing. They chatted for a while but after sensing his dad, about to start a lecture, she immediately walked him out.

"Ohh, I forgot, I still have to pack for tomorrow. Goodnight..."

After shutting the door, she locked it and gave a relieved sigh.

After jumping in the bed, she started rolling around like a crazy person. Banging her feet and smashing her face against a pillow.

"Can't they just do their own business?"

After taking a deep breath, another thought came to her mind while staring blankly at the ceiling. She realized tomorrow is when, she leaves home and prepare for something called... school...

The next morning, Young-mi was packing up her things along with some servants.

She's gonna move back to the house where she stays during school days and is studying in the famous 'Yumlin University'. It maybe boring, but luckily her best friend, Wang Minji is there to help her out.

Taking a last look at her room, she continued walking while bringing some boxes.

After she finished putting the boxes and bags in the car, her mother approached her while handing something. It was a simple looking necklace colored silver with, a small cracked crystal that looked like a heart if completed, hanging on the tip.

"Mom, what is this for?" She asked with curiosity in her eyes.

After seeing Young-mi clutch the necklace, she replied. "Your grandmother gave it to me when I turned 19 too, It's been pased on for generations. It was believed for granting good luck... especially when it comes to love."

Being caught off guard by the last sentence, She frowned and rolled her eyes.

"You know a person can't live for an eternity, our family obviously needs another heir."Her mother teased with a mischievous smile.

Seeing how she enjoys teasing her, she crossed her arms then hugged her tightly.

"Don't worry, I'll treasure it with all my heart."

After bidding goodbye, she stepped into the car preparing herself for a 2 hour trip. She thought about what could happen this year. Would everything be like the past years? a normal and quiet school year? Well, It might be the same, or... a complete - chaos.

She just updated her social media account, posting a selfie with a #Back to school. The post already got 400 likes in thirty minutes. She got used to it for she was known as the University's Goddess...


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