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Aera sighed as she sat at the kitchen counter in the main room of the cabin- it was early, so early in fact that everybody was still asleep, she'd snuck out of bed and left Hobi to his own sleepy devices and that was because she'd naturally awakened, intending to go back to sleep straight away- though the recurring ringing of her phone (the device thankfully having been on vibrate) broke her from her blissful slumber. The sight of the phone number on the screen was just a reminder to her that despite having tackled one of the issues weighing heavily on her mind- there was still another.

Having showered and dressed purely as a distraction to stop her from having to answer the phone sooner, she felt fresh as she stepped through the glass doors into the world beyond, the sun bright as it reflected off of the lake- it was destined to be a warm day, she could already tell, despite the biting cold of the early morning air. Pacing right the way to the dock, her little legs walking her up and down the wooden construction, she finally pressed to return the call and her phone felt as though it was made of lead as she held it up to her ear. It couldn't be a good thing, there was no possible way and despite how awful of a family they had been to her-- They were still her family and she wasn't about to ignore them indefinitely.

"Hello? Aera?" the voice that muffled through the speaker took her instantly back to a different time- it was that voice, despite how cold and strict it was, that had once been a saviour to her. It was that voice that she had heard on the darkest days, when her father had been at his cruellest- that voice had never whisked her away from her troubles or pretended they didn't exist- it merely protected her from the worst that her father could give, that voice was there, often yelling at her but always listening. That voice that so often chastised her for being weak, for crying-- That voice had aged her but it was the only thing that kept her alive this time.

"Aunt Sunny?" Aera controlled her voice as best she could. Chin-Sun wasn't, in fact, her auntie at all, she was just her father's best friend. Sunny had been the one to scrape Min-Jun off of the floor on his worst days, the one who'd put food in the fridge for the child who was too young to go out and find some of her own. Chin-Sun was a strict person, she never once tried to take over the place of a mother, she had no desire to be kind to Aera but equally, she would never allow the girl to come to harm- Aera knew that. Sunny looked after her better than anybody else ever had, even if that care came in a strange, remote way. Aera knew something was wrong when she received countless calls from her 'auntie' and for the first time in weeks, Aera's thoughts went to someplace other than the seven boys still currently sleeping in the cabin behind her.

"There you are, why have you not been answering my calls?" she snapped and Aera stuttered, instantly going to explain herself- to describe how she had been working, that the signal was bad and that she'd been asleep-- None of those things were an exact lie but Sunny didn't give her the chance to say any of them, regardless. The second a single sound mumbled through Aera's mouth- Her auntie was talking once more. "None of that matters now, though you best start answering when I call, I am a priority caller." she clipped.

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