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Aera pouted as she was pulled into a hug by Jae, a hug that told her- Despite his cheeky grin- that he wasn't quite as happy about leaving her here on her own as he made out. The sky beyond the window was dramatically dark, a backdrop of speckled stars above the treetops and Aera was unnaturally worried for them all driving home in the dark, she doubted she'd sleep until she knew they were home safely— That was just the way she was, the way they were. Aera and Jae had to look out for one another because up until recently, they had nobody else to.

"Just phone us if you need anything and we'll answer. You know that. Try to enjoy yourself, Ra and try not to be too shy, I know what you're like but these boys all do really really like and care about you- you're not going to embarrass yourself by speaking. Open yourself up to the possibility to something incredible" he whispered in her ear as he held her in a tight hug- one that would probably seem slightly odd to the others considering they'd been seeing one another again in less than a week but truthfully- Aera and Jae very rarely ever got separated. This was new for them and it was leaving them both feeling unbalanced, missing their safety blankets.

"I'll try" that was all the promise she was capable of making, Aera wasn't the kind of person to open herself up so easily- Even to people who she was now incredibly close with. Everything took time and they were, at least, fortunate enough to have that. Time.

"Oh, one more thing, before I forget" Jae smirked as he clambered into the passenger seat- Sang-Hoon was the designated driver, the other two in the back with their luggage in the trunk. Through the open window, Jae tossed Aera something and she frowned but instinctively scrambled to grab whatever it was, coming up with a small box. Her eyes widened as she looked up with wide eyes and met a cheeky grin. "No glove, no love" Jae whooped out the window and Aera stared back, frozen with a mortified expression and comically wide eyes as Sang-Hoon drove off, the cackling of Jae following them all the way down the road, leaving Aera with a box of condoms and redder cheeks than ever before.

The sight of them- Despite it having been a joke initially- terrified Aera. Though, Jae and Aera both knew that she didn't particularly need them... Aera had always had incredibly painful periods and up until she met Jae- she'd always been far too shy to ever mention them to anyone, she was more of a suffer in silence type of girl until she met the boy who wasn't shy to say anything that was on his mind. 

It was thanks to Jae that he'd dragged her to see a doctor-- Her doctor had been incredible and suggested, due to her young age, contraception which had initially terrified Aera. It was a risk, considering the side effects which could have easily rendered her with even heavier periods but thanks to the pestering of Jae, she received the contraceptive implant a few months ago and it had, fortunately, worked wonders. Since then, she'd been period free and certainly happier than before. It rendered the condoms less important- unless of course, the boys had anything else to worry about... Aera doubted it.

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