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•The following day was chaos from the moment the alarm rang

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The following day was chaos from the moment the alarm rang. Aera and Jae were among the dozens as staff members swarming the lower level of the cabin bright and early, preparing everything before the boys even exited their bedrooms. It was day one of shooting and it was vital that they got started as soon as physically capable in order to record as many takes as possible. By the time Aera and Jae had all the outfits ready to wear with parkas for each idol to wear between takes, it was time for the Bangtan boys to finally enter the chaotic sitting room.

By the time they slouched out of their bedrooms, Aera was in the kitchen cooking them breakfast, chewing nervously on her bottom lip purely out of her own social anxiety in such a busy room. Oddly enough, she assumed that that was why Jae had put her on kitchen duty- he'd witnessed her growing hyperventilation and Aera was overjoyed with the distraction as she made pancakes. The messiness of the Bangtan boys was enough to remind her that it was in fact very early in the morning.

Aera was dressed nicely once more- the hoodie and leggings from the day before being discarded in return for tailored brown trousers that hugged her in the right places, a long-sleeved lace white blouse tucked into the top of the high waistband. Her hair fell neatly against her back and her glasses were safely placed in their case upstairs, the girl favouring contacts on that day.

"Something smells good" Aera jumped a foot in the air, flailing the spatula at the sudden sound that appeared behind her. In the process, the designer whipped around with her free hand to her chest to come face to face with Hobi who had wide eyes, hands raised innocently in front of him. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he chuckled shyly, guilt in those eyes as she swallowed and nodded timidly. Aera reached over and picked up one of the many plates on the counter, turning to hand it to him and Hobi accepted gently, shooting her a friendly beam that she couldn't help but shyly return, her cheeks glowing a cherry red colour.

"Do you want anything else with it?" her voice was so quiet, Hobi had to lean in closer to hear it. And as unnerving as her scared shyness was- it was equally something that he found attractive about Aera, she was so gentle and caring... She was innocent and he couldn't stop the way his serious voice softened when he spoke to her.

"No thank you. This is perfect... Are you okay, Aera?" he tried in concern, seeing her nervousness- her eyes flickered around the room like a wild animal, taking in all of the people with a timid uncertainty. Her rising panic raised his own and he supposed that Aera wasn't used to the chaos that happened backstage. Aera had only ever spent her days in her quiet work room, working long hours but being away from the hustle and bustle. Hobi knew how overwhelming it could be because he once felt the very same way. "Hey" he breathed, placing his plate on the edge of the counter, his fingers pushing it away from the ledge as he gently removed the spatula from her hands with his free fingers.

"I'm sorry, I just need some air" she returned, forced to take a step closer to him as one of the many makeup artists rushed past, rushing to get a wet cloth and almost taking Aera out in the process. Protectively, Hobi's arms wrapped around her as she hovered an inch from his chest.

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