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Aera grew nervous when it approached each time for her to tell one of the boys. But equally, she had decided that morning as she walked out the front door with them- she and Jae coming to watch filming for the first time, that by the end of that day, they would all know. There was no sense in waiting now and she had known that since the instant she'd told Taehyung; she'd made them all way far too long already. Each boy took turns filming their own separate parts as the end of the day drew near and from where she sat beside Jae, she could see the others chatting and eating, free to do as they pleased as they waited for their turns. Aera saw no sense in waiting around, even if the nervousness made her feel positively sick— Just two more to go.

"Jimin" she was surprised that he had even heard her, her voice was so quiet she was almost certain it had been carried away in the wind but he turned to her, scrabbling to put down the food he had in his hands when he saw her standing there and the sight of his nervousness helped to ease her own. He was just as shy and adorable as the others, even if he liked to behave flirtatiously. She could see it now, glittering cheekily in his eyes as he waited for her to say whatever she had to say- but he restrained because clearly, Jimin wasn't oblivious to the importance of this moment. "Can you come and help me with something?"

He seemed shocked by the redirection of their conversation though followed her nonetheless. Aera wasn't completely lying about her need for help even as he tred along through the mud behind her in his wellington boots, she needed help moving the costume boxes from the trailer to the cars but she felt that she might as well kill two birds with one stone. They were so close to wrapping up shooting, this would certainly be the last day, as long as they could squeeze in the final shots before the sun went down. It was a race against the clock but the smiles on everyone's faces assured that they would somehow accomplish it.

"Are you okay, Aera?" Jimin wondered as he carried a box, following her over to one of the managers SUV's, the bus had been far too big to fit down the winding roads to the clearing- something that they discovered through trial and error on day one.

"I am" she sighed, placing the box down in the open trunk with a huff. In their position a few metres down from the main clearing, they were shaded from view behind the cars. "Just getting overwhelmed" she laughed nervously, sitting with a huff on the edge of the trunk and he seemed to take this as some sort of clue because he followed suit.

"Overwhelmed about what?" He prompted softly, eyes warm. He had been just as unhappy as all the others when they'd first made their way to the clearing that morning and Aera now knew that he knew- he was happier, even though she hadn't told him yet and she had no doubt that one of the other boys and most certainly told him. How sweet of Jimin and Namjoon for pretending not to know, for humouring her potentially idiotic decision to tell them all separately.

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